I like staying overnight at my Gramma’s house — that is, until Gramma starts telling me how wonderful my cousin Maya is. Then it’s Maya this and Maya that until I don’t ever want to hear another word about her.
That’s why I wasn’t too excited when Gramma called me on the phone to “come on over and bring your pajamas.” When I got there, it was worse than I’d expected. There, in Grandpa’s big leather rocker, sat Maya, all dressed up and formal-looking and wearing fancy shoes as if she’d just been to a party.
“Surprise, Kristen!” Gramma said. “Your cousin Maya and her parents have traveled in from the East Coast on business. Maya gets to stay with us this afternoon.” Gramma chattered away about how excited she’d been for this surprise get-together, and how cousins ought to get to know each other better.
I hung my baseball cap in the closet and set my backpack by the stairway, all the time smiling
and nodding as if I’d been waiting forever for this chance to spend an afternoon with Maya. Grandpa’s chair squawked (咯咯叫) as Maya rocked back and forth. It’s the chair I like best in the house, the one I usually sit in. I sat down on the sofa across from her.
Shortly, Gramma went off to the kitchen to “see about some lunch,” she’d said. That left me stuck in the living room with rocking Maya.
She was still small but taller than I’d remembered her from her last visit four years ago. She was good at small talk, though, and was chatting away about how nice it was to see me again. But I could tell that she didn’t really think so. The last time she was here, we’d had hours of fun together building caves out of Gramma’s sofa pillows.
After that, I’d heard about her only through Gramma’s tales. Maya taking piano lessons. Maya learning math. Maya, Maya, Maya. Now Maya was here, looking great with the latest haircut and a fancy dress.
float up
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Glancing down at my jeans and my old sneakers, I wished I hadn’t come. ____________________________
“How do you know all these things about me?” I asked.________________________________________
Kristen: envious(嫉妒的), reluctant(不情愿) to communicate politely
(“Gramma chattered away about how excited… and how cousins ought to get to know each other better)
Grandma: it seemed that her eyes are full of Maya and Maya’s good points.
Maya: a wonderful girl in grandma’s eyes
    I like staying overnight at my Gramma's house.(结尾可以写在奶奶家过夜思考今天发生
    Then it's Maya this and Maya that until I don't ever want to hear another word about her.(作者对Maya感到厌烦)
    That's why I wasn't too excited when Gramma called me on the phone to come on over and bring your pajamas
    Maya gets to stay with us this afternoon.(暗示作者情绪)
Gramma chattered away about how excited she'd been for this surprise get-together, and how cousins ought to get to know each other better.(奶奶情绪和我的对比,以及我的不理解)
    ...all the time smiling and nodding as if I'd been waiting for this chance to spend an afternoon with Maya. Grandpa 's chair squawked as Maya rocked back and forth. It's the chair I like !best in the house, the one l usually sit in.(对此处可以进行适当环境描写续写,摇椅子的声音)
    She was still small but taller than I'd remembered her from her last visit four The last time she was here, we'd had hours of fun together building caves out of Gramma's sofa pillows.
Theme: the personal growth, understand what grammar intended to accomplish
Clear clue: maya and I got to know each other in the end.
Concealed clue: I realized grammar’s intention when I talked with Maya.
1. Why did I think so? my feelings? --------the difference between us, grandma loved Maya than did me.
2. How did we interact with each other? -------- so silent were the surroundings that the sound of a needle falling to the ground could be heard. / there was a deadly stillness in the house / should I smile to her? Or nodding?
3. What did Maya talked about me? ------ my favourite sports, my daily life, my favourite activities