There is a huge divergence in the connotations of feminist science fiction:some scholars believe that it represents the feminist science fiction genre around gender,race,colonization, technology and ecology,which arose from the second feminist wave in1960s and the“new wave”movement of British and American science fiction literature.Others see it as a feminist critique of the entire history of science fiction.In order to solve the ambiguity of feminist science fiction,this paper mainly starts from the perspective of feminist science fiction as a literary genre and a critical method.The paper is divided into five parts:
The introduction sorts out and summarizes the relevant research status at home and abroad, and outlines the origin,content and significance of this thesis.
The first chapter mainly discusses the development of the connotation of feminist science fiction.First comb three feminist waves,summarize the main ideas of each wave and represent writers and genres,discuss the various demands of women on the road to freedom and equality; extract the prototype core of science fiction,trace back the development history of science fiction, and combine relevant eras Analyze the historical context and work characteristics of science fiction at each stage.Then list some famous science fiction works that can embody feminist ideas in every period,and discuss the background and traits of these works.Finally,it analyzes the controversy of feminist science fiction and compares its reasons and traits as a literary school and as a criticism method.
The second chapter takes feminist science fiction as a literary genre to study its connotation. First,review the female images in traditional science fiction,analyze their marginal status and the image models of“sexual objects”and“female villains”under the male-centered values,reflecting the traditional science fiction's indifference to women.Then,it explains the nature of the “Gedanken experiment”of the feminist science fiction genre that broke out in the1960s and 1970s;finally,it analyzes the specific works and concludes“gender identity”“androgyny”“racial colonization”and“cyborg”and other common th
emes,express the distinctive style of this genre.
The third chapter discusses the connotation of feminist science fiction as a critical method. Firstly,the background,pattern,methods and principles of feminist literary criticism are introduced to lay a theoretical foundation for the following criticism.Then,the representative works of feminist science fiction in the initial,rising,breaking and peaceful periods are selected to demonstrate and analyze,and the theoretical system of feminist science fiction criticism is established,including“other identity”“feminist utopia”“black literary criticism”and “ecofeminism criticism”.
The conclusion summarizes,reflects and anticipates the connotation of feminist science fiction.
Key words:Feminism,Science Fiction,Connotations,Genre,Criticism
摘要.................................................................................................................................................II 导言.. (5)
第一章女性主义科幻小说内涵的发展 (5)
第一节女性主义与科幻小说的发展 (5)
一、女性主义的发展 (5)
二、科幻小说的发展 (8)
第二节女性主义科幻小说的发展 (11)
一、曙光初现的初创期 (11)
二、奠定基础的兴起期 (12)
三、星璀璨的爆发期 (13)
四、稳步发展的平缓期 (14)
第三节文学流派还是批评方法? (15)
一、自觉的女性主义创作 (15)
二、多元的女性主义解读 (16)
第二章作为文学流派的女性主义科幻小说 (18)
第一节传统科幻小说的女性形象塑造 (18)
一、边缘中的边缘 (18)
二、性对象与女反派 (19)
第二节女性主义科幻小说的思想实验 (21)
一、何谓“思想实验” (21)
二、在想象中重构现实 (23)
第三节女性主义科幻小说流派的主题 (24)
一、性别认同 (24)
二、双性同体 (28)
三、种族殖民 (30)
四、赛博格 (32)
genre第三章作为批评方法的女性主义科幻小说 (35)
第一节女性主义的批评方法 (35)
一、女性主义文学批评格局 (35)
二、批评策略与文本选择 (36)
第二节女性主义科幻小说的性别批评 (38)
一、他者身份 (38)
二、女性主义乌托邦 (40)
第三节女性主义科幻小说的其他批评 (43)
一、黑人文学批评 (43)
二、生态女性主义批评 (44)
结语 (48)
参考文献 (50)
后记 (57)