less is more 英语演讲稿(总2页)

ALL Members of the first normal university,teachers and students:
Having no facility for speech making nor any domination of rhetoric,i wish to thank all of you h.(建议句子不要太长,读起来有力度一点~)
Today our topic is Less Is More.We usually believe that less is more代言人“simplicity is the best . I think this thought reflects that nowadays the various information is around us (everywhere), our brain cannot load this ,so the belief was come up with.(引入很好,嘻嘻)
Firstly ,The Less does not mean lacking of something ,but the most critical and accurate parts .For example ,today I would like to address less is more ,and then I want to make it ,and expressing countless examples to prove deduce my own opinions.  who would like to listen to me
Maybe , no one !It will be interest if i put some (classic tales)(old chestnut)
to express myself ,and vise versa .The purpose of addressing is to pass the ideas to the audiences ,the quality of content not the amount should be emphasis(
).As whole ,lessen secondary details to make a better  the saying goes ,Brevity is the soul of wit.
Secondly,the more means you are able to get more from the shortened information which is clear to  one would say Bacon had said  reading makes a full man,so the more reading you do ,the more intelligence you will be.————and forgetting about jokes to do with over-eating,reading makes a woman and a man full of information,of history,of all kinds of  is the proportion of the useful information among this ( 这段太棒了!)
One cannot make an omelet without breaking  is not certainly  you do perhaps was not equal to the  more practice and learn more knowledge to make you accurate  with the thought of less is more ,you will find a new world youve never seen.
Last but not the least ,i want to present a sentence to all of  you Behind bad luck comes good luck.