1. Water and food are essentials for survival. / 水和食物是生存所必需的。
2. It's essential to wear a helmet while riding a bike. / 骑车时戴头盔是必须的。
3. Good communication is an essential element in any relationship. / 良好的沟通是任何关系中不可或缺的要素。
4. Warm clothes are essentials for the winter season. / 冬季保暖衣服是必备的。
5. Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health. / 定期锻炼对保持健康是很重要的。
6. English is an essential language for international communication. / 英语是国际交流中的必备语言。clothes中文
7. Time management is an essential skill for success. / 时间管理是成功的一个必备技能。
8. Basic computer skills are essential in today's job market. / 在今天的就业市场上,基本的电脑技能是必需的。
9. A positive attitude is essential for a happy life. / 积极的心态对于幸福生活是必不可少的。
10. Personal hygiene is one of the essentials for good health. / 个人卫生是保持良好健康的不可或缺要素之一。