1. He spoke with an assured tone, showing his confidence in the matter.他说话的语气很自信,表现出他对这件事的信心。
2. Our team's assured performance in the game led us to victory.我们团队在比赛中表现出的自信确保了我们的胜利。
3. The assured quality of their products has gained them a loyal customer base.他们产品的可靠品质赢得了一批忠诚的顾客。
4. This book provides an assured guide to mastering the art of painting.这本书提供了一份可靠的指南,帮助人们掌握绘画艺术。
5. Her assured manner of speaking captivated the audience.她自信的说话方式吸引了观众。
6. They displayed an assured attitude throughout the negotiation process.他们在整个谈判过程中展现出的自信态度。
7. The CEO's assured leadership style has driven the company to great success.这位首席执行官自信的领导风格使公司取得了巨大的成功。
8. The designer's assured sense of style is evident in all of her creations.设计师对时尚的敏锐把握在她的作品中得以体现。
9. His assured decision-making capabilities make him an asset to the team.他有把握的决策能力使他成为团队的一份子。
10. The conductor's assured conducting led to a flawless orchestral performance.指挥的自信指挥使得管弦乐表演无懈可击。
11. She gave an assured answer to the difficult question, impressing the audience.她对这个难题给予了一个确凿的答案,给观众留下了深刻印象。
12. The student's assured grasp of the subject matter earned them top marks.学生对课程知识的确凿掌握赢得了他们的高分。
13. Their assured performance on stage received a standing ovation from the audience.他们在舞台上表演自信而得体,赢得了观众的起立鼓掌。
14. The assured quality of their craftsmanship is reflected in their products.他们产品中体现出的专业品质反映了他们工艺的可靠性。
15. His assured driving skills give me confidence while sitting in the passenger seat.他有把握的驾驶技巧让我在坐在副驾驶座位时充满信心。
16. The company's assured financial stability is a result of their strategic planning.公司的财务稳定得以确保是因为他们的战略规划。
17. The assured nature of their response put an end to any doubts or concerns.他们回答的自信性质消除了任何疑虑或担忧。
18. Her assured performance on the piano showcased her musical talent.她自信的钢琴演奏展示了她的音乐才华。
19. The assured accuracy of their calculations ensured the success of the project.他们计算的准确性确保了这个项目的成功。
20. Their assured cooperation throughout the project made the collaboration easy and efficient.他们在整个项目过程中的自信合作使得合作变得轻松高效。
21. The assured delivery dates provided by the supplier gave us peace of mind.供应商提供的准确交货日期让我们安心。
22. The assured knowledge displayed by the professor impressed the students.教授展现的自信知识给学生留下了深刻印象。
23. The cook's assured culinary skills resulted in a delicious and perfectly cooked meal.厨师有把握的烹饪技巧使得美食可口且烹饪完美。
24. The speaker's assured presentation captivated the audience's attention.演讲者自信的演讲吸引了观众的注意力。
25. The assured professionalism of their staff guarantees a quality customer experience.他们员工的专业性保证了顾客的高品质体验。
26. Their assured communication strategy ensured that the message was effectively delivered.他们有把握的沟通策略确保了信息的有效传达。
27. The assured efficiency of their production process results in timely delivery of orders.他们生产过程的高效性保证了订单的及时交付。