1. accuse  charge
“accuse”和“charge”都可作“指控”解。“accuse”的宾语是表示被指控的人的词语,后面再接介词“of”和表示所指控的过失或罪行的词语;例如:The police
accused him of murder.
警方指控他犯了谋杀罪。“charge”的宾语是表示被指控的人的词语,后面再接介词“with”和表示所指控的过失或罪行的词语;例如:The police charged him with murder. 警方指控他犯了谋杀罪。
2. admit  admit of
如:He never admits his mistakes. / He never admits that he is wrong. / He
admitted (to) breaking the window. “admit
of”的意思是“容许有;有余地”;例如:This matter admits of no excuse.
这事不容原谅。The facts admit of no other explanation. 事实不容作其他解释。
3. agree on  agree to  agree with
“agree on”的意思是“商定,达成协议”;例如:We agreed on a price for the car.
with”作“与…持相同意见,与…持一致看法”解,后接人称代词、名词或动名词,如“a suggestion”,“an argument”,“a statement”,“a practice”,“a
proposal”等作其宾语;例如:I agree with you on that point. / I agree with your argument. / I don’t agree with buying children expensive presents. “agree
with”还作“与…相同,与…相符,与…一致”解;例如:Your story agrees with his in everything except for small details. “agree
;例如:I never eat pork; it does not agree with me. The fruit did not agree with me—now I have got a pain in my stomach.
“agree to”表示“同意计划、提议、安排、日程表等”;例如:He agreed to my idea. 他接受了我的意见。Do you agree to this arrangement?
base的形容词4. alone  lonely
“alone”用作形容词,意思是“独自的,单独”,只作表语;例如:She read a lot when she’s alone.
用作副词,意为“仅仅,只”,用在名词或代词的后面;例如:She alone must decide what to do. / It’s Jane, and Jane alone, who can help you out of the mess.
以“a-”开头的形容词一般只作表语,不作前置定语;例如:All the hostages on the plane are alive and well. / The children were asleep at 7, but now they’re awake.
“lonely”作形容词,意思是“孤独的,寂寞的”;例如:When his wife died, he was very lonely.
试比较下列句中“alone”和“lonely”的词义:You can be alone without being lonely. / The few people on the streets were alone and seemed lonely.
5.alternate  alternative
“alternate”用作形容词,意思是“每两者之一的;交替的,轮流的”;用作动词,作“(使)交替;(使)轮流”解;“alternately”是副词;例如:He works on alternate days. 他隔天工作。His life alternated between work and sleep.
他的生活就是工作完了睡觉,睡完觉又工作。The hiker alternately walked and jogged. 徒步旅行者时而步行时而慢跑。
“alternative”用作形容词,意思是“两者择一的;可替换的”;用作名词,意思是“二中挑一;取舍;抉择”;“alternatively”是副词;例如:We returned by an
alternative road. 我们是从另一条路回来的。There are several alternatives to your plan. 对于你的计划,有好几种可供选择的方案。You should go by ship or alternatively by rail. 你应该乘船走,或乘火车去。
6.(just) as A. . . , so B. . .
“(just) as A . . . , so B . . .”的意思是“象A那样,B也就…”,“随着A…,
B也就…”;例如:As you like music, so I like poetry. / As prices rise, so the
demand for higher wages will increase. 在以“so”引起的主语从句中,
还可以产生省略, 以及主语和谓语倒置;例如:As you sow, so will you reap.
种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。Just as the soil is a part of the earth, so is the atmosphere.
7. as for  as to
“as for”和“as to”位于句首,意为“至于…”,表示轻蔑之意;例如:As for my past, I’m not telling you anything. 至于我的过去,我什么也不会告诉你。As to (dong) that, I haven’t decided yet. 至于(办)那件事,我尚未决定。但是,“as to”作“关于…”解,用作名词的后置定语,“as for”则不能;例如:There was some question as to his honesty. 关于他的诚实,还有一些疑问。句中的“as
to”不能用“as for”代替。
“as to”回指前面提到过的事物或问题;例如:As to your second question, I am afraid I can give you no information at the moment. “as
for”引出新的人或事物;例如:You can have a bed, but as for the children, they’ll have to sleep on the floor.
8.A is as good as or better than B
A is as good as, if not better than, B
“A is as good as or better than B”作“A和B一样好或比B更好”解;例如:The facilities of the older hospital are as good as or better than those of the new
“A is as good as, if not better than, B”作“A 即使没有B好,也和B 一样好”解;例如:Anne’s work is as good as, if not better than, ours.
9. as it is (was)  as they are (were)  as it were
“as it is (was)”和“as they are (were)”位于句末,意思是“照旧, 照原样, 照实际情况, 如实地”;例如:State the facts as they are. 如实陈述事实。You mustn’t go to the party as you are.
“as it is
(was)”位于句首,意思是“照目前(当时)的情况;事实上;既然如此”;例如:As it is, we can hardly get to the station by 7 o’clock.
照目前情况,我们很难七点到达火车站。I hope things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse. 我希望情况会好,但实际上越来越糟。To some extent, in some degree
“as it were”可位于句中,也可位于句末,意思是“可以说, 似乎就是, 在某种程度上”;例如:He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.
可以说他是一部活字典。He is my best friend, my second self, as it were.
10.as much again  as much  much as  as much as
“as much again”的意思是“同样多的”,“同样的事物”;例如:Give me as much again. 再给我这么多。That wasn’t much; I could eat as much again.
much”作“同样数量;同样的事;这一点(指上文提到的情况)”解;例如:He has $50 with him, and I have as much. 他身边有五十美元,我也有这么些。Don’t thank me; I would do as much for anyone.
“much as”是连接词,意思是“虽然很…”;例如:Much as I want to, I can’t come.,虽然我很想来,但我没法来。
“as much as”作“和…在同样的程度;象…那么多;实际上”解;例如:I love you as much as he does. 我同他一样爱你。Any tourist wants to see as much as possible the country he is visiting.
任何旅游者都想尽可能充分地在他所访问的国家观光。He as much as
admitted that he was a failure. 他实际上已承认自己是个失败者。
11. at one time  at a time  at the time  at all times  at times  at no time  in no time
all the time  for the time being
“at one time”的意思是“从前有个时期,曾经”;例如:At one time we worked
together with them.
“at a time”作“每次,一次”解;例如:People came in two at a time.
“at the time”的意思是“在…的时候”;例如:I told you at the time that I thought you were being foolish. 我当时就对你说过,我认为你是装糊涂。
“at all times”作“无论何时,一直”解;例如:We should be ready at all times to smash the enemy’s attacks.
“at times”的意思是“有时, 不时”;例如:At times I feel that I want to leave this job.
“at no time”的意思是“在任何时候都不, 决不”。位于句首时,
句子的主语和谓语要倒装;例如:At no time will China be the first to use nuclear
“all the time”的意思是 “一直, 始终”;例如:They were laughing all the time.
“for the time being”作“暂时, 眼下”解;例如:I’ll let you keep the book for the time being, but I’ll want it
back next week.
12. at the beginning (of)  in the beginning
“at the beginning”和“in the beginning”作“起初”解时,
没有多大的区别;例如:I enjoyed my job in (at) the beginning, but I’m bored
with it now. 不过,“at the beginning”后可接“of”引起的短语,
表示“在…之初”;“in the beginning”则不能;例如:The entrance university
examination will take place at the beginning of July.
13. at the end (of)  by the end of  in the end
“at the end”的意思是“末了, 末尾”;例如:I think the film’s a bit weak at the
end. “at the end of”意为“在…的末尾”;例如:He is planning another tour abroad,
yet his passport will expire at the end of this month.