We didn't plan our art exhibition like that but it_____ very well.
A.worked out  B.tried out  C.went on  D.carried on
正确答案为A;此处work out的词义为“情况发展……”、“进行……”;其余干扰项的干扰作用都很大;如果没有完全掌握work out的含义,根本无法选定这个选项,更何况,我们的课本根本未有把work out作“情况进展”、“进行”解释过;单选题如此,阅读理解、完形填空等题中熟词生义现象更是比比皆是;为了能使我们顺利通过考试,现按照字母顺序举例解析我们常见常考的熟词生义;
1.about 熟义:关于 prep.&adv.到处=美around 到处
We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.我们整个下午就在城里到处逛来逛去;
His hair was drifting about his shoulders like dirty snow.    他的头发像脏兮兮的雪一样披散在肩上;
2.act  熟义:行动vi.起作用
    It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.只需几分钟,药物就起作用了;
He acted both as the ship's surgeon and as chaplain for the men. 他在船上为水手们兼作外科医生和牧师;
In the act of …正在做…
Ken was in the act of paying his bill when Neil came up behind him. 尼尔从后面走过来时,肯正在付账;
3.add 熟义:加vt 接着说,又说
  “They don't know.”he added.“他们不知道;”他接着又说;
4.address 熟义:地址,写地址 vt. 称呼
      The president should be addressed as “Mr President.”总统应称为“总统先生”;
The Duchess should be addressed as Your Grace. 公爵夫人应被称为“大人”;
    He is going to address the meeting in a minute.他一会儿就要在大会上讲话了;
He is due to address a conference on human rights next week.
n. 演说
The President gave an address to the American people. 总统向美国民众发表了演说;
v. 向…说话
The two foreign ministers did not address each other directly when they
He addressed his remarks to Eleanor, ignoring Maria. 他和埃莉诺聊了聊,而没搭理玛丽亚;
v. 处理,了解并设法解决
Mr King sought to address those fears when he spoke at the meeting.
Throughout the book we have addressed ourselves to the problem of ethics.
5.admit 熟义:承认vt.允许进入 
    The servant opened the door and admitted me into the house. 仆人打开门,请我进去;
The theatre only admits 1,000 persons.这个剧场只能容纳一千人;
6. adapt 熟义:适应vt.使某物适合于新的用途,情况等;修改;改编或改写稿本
    These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes.这些式样均可改动以适应个人不同的爱好.
    This novel has been adapted for radio from Russian original.
7. adopt 熟义:收养; 过继vt. 采纳;采取;采用
    We adopt their teaching method. 我们采用了他们的教学方法
8.against 熟义:反对,违背 prep.衬着,迎着,靠着
The picture looks good against the white wall.这幅画在洁白的墙的衬托下显得很好看;
She leaned against& 她紧靠着他;
The profits rise was achieved against a backdrop of falling metal prices.
 The snow - capped mountains stood out in sharp relief against the blue sky. 
9.agree with 熟义:同意 与……一致,协调,适合   
Your story agrees with what I heard.你讲的与我所听到的一致;
His explanation agrees with the facts of the situation.他的解释与实情相符;
Long plane trips don't agree with me.我不适合坐飞机长途旅行;
Late hours do not agree with me.我不习惯熬夜;
10.appeal 熟义: 恳求,呼吁v 对某人有吸引力,使某人感兴趣
    The idea of camping has never appealed to me. 对露营这种想法我从来不感兴趣.
11.appear 熟义:出现 vi  似乎
    You appeared to have made a mistake. 你似乎犯了一个错误;
The aircraft appears to have crashed 飞机似乎在加德满都附近坠毁了;
She didn't appear at all surprised at the news. 她听到这消息时一点也没有显得吃惊;
12.apply熟义:申请 v.应用,运用; 适用
    What I have said applies only to some of you. 我所说的只适用于你们当中的一部分人.
    The Government appears to be applying the 政府似乎是在运用相同的原则;
His project is concerned with applying the technology to practical business problems.
13.arm 熟义:n.手臂n.武器  v.武装
Lay down your arms or we'll fire放下武器,否则,我们就开了
      Police say the man is armed with guns and very dangerous. 警察说该男子携有,十分危险;
14.ask 熟义:问vt.要求
    The teacher asked that all the students should stay at the classroom. 老师要求所有学生呆在教室.
15.attend 熟义:出席 vt.&vi.看护,
Dr.Paria Lal attends him.Paria Lal医生在他;
If you go out,who'll attend to the baby如果你走了,谁来照看婴儿
1.back 熟义:n.背 vt.支持
Many of his friends backed his plan.他的许多朋友支持他的计划;
He backed his car out of
2.badly 熟义:坏  adv.迫切, 很
English teachers are badly/desperately needed in our school. 我们学校极需要英语老师;
We are in desperate need of a new English teacher.
3. bar
3.bear 熟义:熊 v. 支撑
    The ice is too thin to bear your weight. 冰太薄,承受不了你的重量;
He is a carefree fellow who bears his responsibilities lightly. 他是个满不在意不大负责的人;