1. Should I call him?
  - It depends on the situation. If it's urgent, then yes, you should call him. Otherwise, you may not need to.
2. Should we go to the party tonight?
  - Well, it's up to you. If you're interested in attending, then yes, we should go. If you have other plans or don't feel like going, then no, we don't have to.
3. Should they bring a gift?
  - Yes, it's customary to bring a gift when attending a special occasion or event. So, yes, they should bring a gift.
4. Should she study abroad?
  - It's a personal decision. If she wants to gain international experience and broaden her horizons, then yes, she should consider studying abroad. But if she has other priorities or concerns, then she may not need to.
5. Should we start the meeting now?
  - Let's wait for a few more minutes. Some participants are still on their way. So, no, we shouldn't start the meeting just yet.
6. Should he take the job offer?
  - It depends on the factors involved. He should weigh the pros and cons, consider the salary, job benefits, career growth opportunities, and personal preferences before making a decision. So, the answer depends on his own needs and goals.
7. Should they apologize for their behavior?
  - Yes, if their behavior was inappropriate or offensive, they should apologize to the person or people they have affected. Apologizing shows accountability and willingness to make amends.
8. Should we order pizza for dinner?
  - It's up to you. If everyone in the group enjoys pizza and it's a convenient option, then yes, you should order pizza. But if someone has dietary restrictions or preferences, then you may want to consider other food choices.