1. Jogging/Run: 慢跑/跑步
2. Cycling: 骑自行车
3. Swimming: 游泳
4. Tennis: 网球
5. Basketball: 篮球weight短语
6. Yoga: 瑜伽
7. Aerobics: 健美操
8. Kickboxing: 拳击
9. Hiking: 远足
10. Skating: 滑冰
1. Elliptical trainer: 椭圆机
2. Vibration platform: 振动台
3. Exercise ball: 健身球
4. Exercise bike: 自行车
5. Barbell: 杠铃
6. Pull up bar: 引体向上杆
7. Hurdles: 跳栏
8. Rower: 划船机
9. Dumbbell: 哑铃
10. Treadmill: 跑步机
1. Keep fit: 保持健康
2. Do stretching: 做伸展运动
3. Do weight training: 做重量训练
4. Exercise regularly: 每天定期运动
5. Have some physical exercises: 做一些体能锻炼
6. Hit the gym: 去健身房
7. Take a walk: 散步
8. Work out: 运动
9. Warm up: 热身
10. Cool down: 降温