牛津英语 M1U3 重点词汇讲解
1.make 后接名词、形容词、省略 to 的动词不定式或过去分词等作宾补。例如:
weight可不可数The workers made him head of the workshop. 工人们选他当车间主任。
A heavy rain made the road rather slippery. 一场大雨使道路相当滑。
He began to make faces just in order to make the other students laugh.
I raised my voice to make myself heard. 我进步声音为的是让别人听见我的话。
2.stay 保持,是系动词,后接形容词,副词,介词。〔注意和remain与keep的区别〕
  The weather has stayed warm all week.
stay up  不睡觉、熬夜  stay in  呆在家里      stay still 静止不动                                   
3be dying to do=have a strong desire to do=be anxious / eager to do sth. 常用于口语,意为很想做某事渴望做某事。例:I’m dying to see you. 我渴望见到你。
There was a time when many young people were dying to go abroad.
类似的短语有 be thirsty for sth.(渴望得到某物)long for sth.(渴望得到某物)expect to do sth. (期望做某事)wish to do sth.(希望做某事)hope to do sth.(希望做某事)
be dying for something
He is dying for a cigarette. 他很想要香烟。
She is dying for a cup of coffee.  她很想要一杯咖啡
4.hear form hear of/about
hear from sb.= receive one’s letter / telephone 意为收到某人的来信/  。例如:
I’m looking forward to hearing from you. 我期待收到你的来信。
hear of / about sth. 意为知道某事听说过某事。例如:
I’ve never heard of this story. 我从未听说过这个故事。
5.figure  n
体态, 体型    She has an attractive figure.
How does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much?
人物,名人 He has become a figure known to everyone.   
数字      Add up these figures.
画像,肖像  The stone figures in the temple look frightening.
【短语】 figure out = come to understand by thinking  弄明白,理解
= calculate  计算出
have/ keep a good figure 拥有/保持好身材  be good / poor at figures  擅长/不擅长计算
6.work out 的用法
The famous actors keep fit by working out in the gym every day.
I have worked out the expenses of the month. 我已经计算出这个月的开支。
We must work out a plan as quickly as possible. 我们必须尽快地做出方案。
We didn’t plan our art exhibition, but it worked out very well.
The plot is very complicated, and it’ll take you a while to work it out.
Financially, things have worked out very well for us. 我们的经济情况很好。
7.辨析:especially, specially
especially 意为非常地尤其,通常用于强调某事物,或表示该事物比其他议论的事物更值得一提或重要。例如:
It can be especially difficult for drivers to see cyclists at night.
I hate interruptions, especially when I’m trying to work. 我不喜欢被打断,尤其是在工作时间。
specially 表示专门地。通常用于表示所做之事因某种特殊目的而异于平常。例如:
I have come specially to see you. 我专门来看你的。
8. weight n (U) 重量,体重     
lose weight        put on weight = gain weight        watch one’s weight 注意体重
buy or sell sth. by weight 按某物的重量买卖          in weight 在重量方面                         
be of a weight=be of the same weight 一样重  (be of an age=be of the same age 年龄一样大)
注:提问“……多重,重量多少时用what, 不用how much.      What’s your weight?
weigh  v. 的重量; 权衡    How much do you weigh?
weigh your words before you speak                 
9. ashamed 的用法
be ashamed of sth.意为(某事)感到惭愧或难为情。例如:
He is ashamed of his failure. 他对自己的失败感到惭愧。
另外,表示做了某事而感到惭愧习惯用 be ashamed of doing sth. be ashamed of having done sth.。例如:He is ashamed of having failed. 他为自己的失败而惭愧。
be ashamed to do sth. 因惭愧而不情愿做某事
辨析:ashamed, shameful
ashamed 意为感到羞耻的惭愧的,它一般作表语或后置定语。shameful 意为可耻的令人羞耻的。它是贬义词。例如:She felt ashamed. 她感到惭愧。
What a shameful thing he did just now! 他刚刚做了一件多么可耻的事啊!
注: to one’s shame 令人感到羞耻的是       
10. work
Your idea won’t work in practice. 你的想法在理论中是行不通的。
Does this light work? 这个灯还亮吗?      The medicine worked. 那药物产生了作用。
Many people have to work in order to make a living. 大多数人为生存而不得不工作。
He is working on a new novel. 他在写一本新小说。
The machine works by electricity. 这台机器是电动的。
Can you work this machine? 你能操作这台机器吗?
He has a piece of work. 他有工作。
This is a new work of his novels. 这是他小说中的最新一部。
He has read many of Hemingway’s works. 他读过许多海明威的作品。
11. priceless=invaluable adj 贵重的 无价的 I think your advice priceless
worthless=valueless=useless 无价值的  These old papers are worthlessvalueless=useless.