Design and implementation of cultural heritage display system based on SSM
Abstract:With the development of the national economy and the continuous improvement of the disposable income economy, the increase of the income level is followed by the increase of the spiritual and cultural needs, the local cultural heritage has inherited the outstanding spirit of the Chinese up and down five thousand years. Therefore, more and more people choose to travel to solve their own cultural needs. And when people choose travel locations, they will always follow the trend to choose some of the more popular tourist attractions, appeared to the local "see people" scene. Hot On the other hand is the snub, some unknown cultural heritage in this environment is easy to cause damage or even lost.
The advent of the Internet has taken nearly 60 years, almost every household has been equipped with
the corresponding network facilities, which allows us to feel the charm of cultural heritage at home, it is possible to raise the awareness of cultural heritage protection. In the past, we had to go to travel agencies to understand the introduction of cultural heritage, which was very tedious in the fast-paced life, therefore, it is of great significance to develop a cultural heritage display system based on SMM using the B / s development model and MVC design model, this effectively solves the problem of efficiency brought by the travel agency to understand the cultural heritage information in the past, so that the users can know the cultural heritage of each place at any time and place, and the inheritors can upload the local cultural heritage information online, for users can effectively address the spiritual and cultural needs and enhance the awareness of cultural heritage protection, for the heritage can effectively enhance the visibility of the cultural heritage and bring profits. B / s mode as the implementation mode of the cultural heritage display system, users can browse directly on the web without special installation. Java as a server-side development language, using the most popular SSM framework, using the development tool is idea, database selection is MySQL database, the database version of 5.7.8
The realization of the cultural heritage display system for users can browse the required cultural heritage information at any time and can effectively improve the awareness of cultural heritage protection. For the inheritors of the cultural heritage, it can greatly improve the local
cultural heritage visibility, optimize the local supply structure, bring profits for the local while increasing the investment in cultural heritage protection. Generally speaking, the realization of the system responds to the new form and policy of our country, which is of great significance to the development of our country's economy and culture.
Keywords:Cultural Heritage, Conservation Awareness
第1章绪论 (1)
1.1系统的开发背景及意义 (1)
1.2国内外研究现状 (1)
1.3系统的主要研究内容 (2)
1.4系统开发环境与开发工具 (3)
第2章系统需求分析 (4)
2.1可行性分析 (4)
2.1.1经济可行性 (4)
2.1.2技术可行性 (5)
2.1.3社会可行性 (5)
2.2系统的总体需求 (5)
2.3系统的业务需求 (5)
2.3.1 文化遗产展示系统普通用户主要业务 (5)
2.3.2 文化遗产展示系统传承人主要业务 (6)
2.3.3 文化遗产展示系统管理员主要业务 (8)
2.4系统功能的需求分析 (8)
2.4.1普通用户功能分析 (9)
2.4.2传承人功能分析 (9)
2.4.3管理员功能分析 (9)
2.5 UML系统建模 (11)
2.5.1用例图 (11)
2.5.2用例图规约表 (11)
2.6本章小结 (16)
第3章系统设计 (17)
3.1系统架构设计 (17)
3.2系统功能设计 (18)
3.2.1 文化遗产展示前台系统 (18)
3.2.2文化遗产展示后台系统 (18)
3.2.3角的权限 (19)
3.3文化遗产展示系统类图 (20)
3.4文化遗产展示系统顺序图 (20)
3.4.1 用户系统顺序图 (20)
3.5 文化遗产展示系统上传文化遗产信息状态图 (28)
3.6 文化遗产展示系统数据库设计 (29)
3.7 本章小结 (30)
第4章系统实现 (31)
4.1 文化遗产展示系前台界面实现 (31)
4.2 文化遗产展示后台实现 (33)
4.3 本章小结 (38)
第5章系统测试 (39)
5.1 系统测试的目的 (39)
5.2 测试环境 (39)
5.3 测试用例及结果 (39)
5.4 本章小结 (41)
第6章结束语 (42)
6.1 全文总结 (42)
6.2 课题展望 (42)
参考文献 (43)
致谢 (44)