schedule 语法
- schedule sth. (for sth.):为某事安排时间
- I have scheduled a meeting for tomorrow morning.
- They have scheduled the flight for
- schedule sth. (to do sth.):安排做某事
I have scheduled some time to clean the house this weekend.
- They have scheduled a time to review the report next week.
- a schedule:计划表,日程安排
- Do you have a copy of the schedule for the conference?
- The train timetable is part of the schedule for the transportation system.
- an appointment schedule:预约表
- The receptionist is responsible for managing the appointment schedule.
- Please check the appointment schedule to see if there are any openings.
- scheduled:作为形容词使用,表示"按计划安排的,预定的"
- The scheduled flight has been delayed due to bad weather.
- The scheduled maintenance will take place next week.
- scheduling:作为名词使用,表示"安排时间的过程"
- The scheduling of the project was carefully coordinated by the team.
- The scheduling process took longer than expected.
- It is :计划中...
- It is scheduled that the concert will start at
- It is scheduled that the event will take place in the city center.
- be scheduled for:被安排在...时间
- The meeting is scheduled for Monday morning.
- The movie is scheduled for release next month.