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中国循证心血管医学杂志2019年9月第11卷第9期 Chin J Evid Based Cardiovasc Med,September,2019,Vol.11,No.9•
循证研究与临床转化·方法学  •
作者单位:1 710061  西安,西安交通大学第一附属医院神经内科;2 712046  咸阳,陕西中医药大学公共
卫生学院;3 710061  西安,西安交通大学第一附属医院临床研究中心;4 710061  西安,西安交通大学医学部公共卫生学院
通讯作者:吕军,E-mail:lujun2006@xjtu.edu doi:10.3969/j.issn.1674-4055.2019.09.04
【文献标志码】A                                                      开放科学(源服务)标识码(OSID)
GBD database application and data extraction methods and processes    Qu Yan *, Wang Tianyi, Yang Jin, Zhang Jun, Lyu Jun.  *Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 710061, People's Republic of China.
chrome直接下载Corresponding author: Lyu Jun, E-mail: lujun2006@xjtu.edu
[Abstract ] The harm of disease to the health of the population has always been a common concern. The disease burden refers to the loss and impact of disease, disability and early death on life health, socio-economic aspects, accurately grasping the current status and development of the global disease burden, and promoting humanity. Health and economic and social development are of great significance. The GBD database is the most important database for understanding the global burden of disease, covering the most comprehensive diseases, risks, deaths, and the burden of disease-related disability on health. Therefore, it is very necessary to master the use of the GBD database. The database is an open state, and interested researchers can apply for the data to conduct related research. This paper aims to introduce the application method of the database and the method of extracting the data.
[Key words ] Global Burden of Disease; GBD database; Application; Data extraction
1988年,在世界卫生组织(WHO)和世界银行(World Bank)支持下,由美国比尔和梅琳达盖茨基金
之外的其他损失[6-9]。我们通过对GBD公开数据库的研究,将其使用方法做如下总结:1 方法
访问工具:在M i c r o s o f t  E d g e ,I n t e r n e t Explorer 11,Google Chrome,Firefox或safari等浏览器中,访问/gbd-results-tool。
1.1 查询数据  GBD数据库中包含包括所有GBD 病种、风险、病因学、损伤、自然损伤和后遗症综合征;衡量全球疾病负担的指标包括:死亡(deaths)、寿命损失(YLLs)、残疾寿命(YLDs)、残疾调整寿命(DALYs)、患病率、发病率、预期寿命、死亡概率、健康预期寿命(HALE)、产妇死亡率(MMR)和总暴露值(SEV);提取的数据指标(单位)包括:数量、比率、百分比、年份、死亡概率;可提取的数据年份为:1990~2017年所有措施的年度结果及所有GBD年龄组;性别可选择:男性、女性、或两者总和;研究地区分为:GBD超级地区、地区、国家、选择次国家单位和自定义地区(世界卫生组织地区、世界银行收入水平等)。