Module 11 Body language
Unit 1 They touch noses.
二.Teaching tasks
Task1: Let's enjoy and answer
How do people around the world greet each other?                       
Task2 Lets look and listen                   
bow, kiss, shake hands,smile        British, French, German, Japanese, Russian 
What are they doing?                What nationality are they? 
  They are _______ and _______.    They are ______________________
②They are ______ and________.      They are ______________________
③ They are ______ and ________.    They are ______________________
Task 3 Listening practice
1.What are they talking about?
A. Food in different countries. 
    B. Different ways to welcome the visitors.
    C. How to travel to different countries. 
2. How many countries are mentioned(提到) in the dialogue(对话)?
  What are they?
3.Listen and fill in the blanks.
People do when they meet visitors
In Russia
People usually ___________ three times, left, right, left.
In China
People often _____________ and ___________.
In the US
People shake hands, and some kiss or _________ each other.
In India
People ________ their hands ________ and ________their heads.
In New Zealand
Maori people _____________
Task4 Pairwork
A: What do people in _________ do when they meet visitors?
B: In ________, people usually _______________ when they meet visitors.         
Task 5 Groupwork
Every group pick one country you will introduce. Two students act it out, the other students say
the manners in English together and ask questions. )
Ss: Welcome to our countries,people in our country are very friendly. look!When we meet ,we …….  (两位同学表演)
Which country are we from? (小组成员一起问)
Classmates:Are ?
Task 6 Summary
What can you learn from this conversation?
Checklist 学习效果评估
1-can not do it well
3-can do it well
5-can do it very well
1. I can understand the simple conversation about body language.(    )
2. I can describe(描述) body language of greeting in different countries.(    )
Must do:
nation和nationality的区别  1. Review the ways of greeting in different countries.
  2.Exercise book :A:1,2  B:1,2
Choose to do:
  3. Find more body languages and share with your classmates after class.