+ 加号,加 plus
+ 正号 positive
- 减号,减 minus
- 负号,负 negetive
± 加或减 plus or minus
± 正或负 plus or minus
2 乘 multiplied by times into
÷ 除 divided by
: ⽐ proportional to
= 等号 equal sign
= 等于 to equal,to equals
> ⼤于 greater than
< ⼩于 less than
⼤于等于 greater than or equal
⼩于等于less than or equal
≡恒等于 identical with
≈约等于 approximately equal
≌全等于 congruent
~等价于 equivalent to;
相似于 similar to
→趋近于 approaches
( ) 括号,括弧 1) parentheses;parenthesis;sign parenthesis
圆括号,圆括弧 2) round brackets
[ ] ⽅括号1) squre [angular] brackets
括号2) brackets
{ } 花括号 braces
∑ 求和summstion of;sigma
从1到n的和 the sum form i equalsone to n;sigma
从1到n的积 the product form i equalsone to n
x1 +x2+x3+ΛΛ x one x two plus x three,etc(et cetera)
a=b 1) a equals to b
2) a is equal to b
3) a is b
a≠b a is not equal to b;a is not b
a>b a is greater than b
a?b a is greater than or equal to b
a?b a is less than or equal to b
a≈b a approximately equal (s) b
a∝b a varies directly as b;a is (directly) proportional to b
a∈A a is member of set A
A?B A is contained in B;A is a proper subset of B AIB A intersection B AYB A union
{ }或φ empty set
is equivalent to xRy x is in the relation R to y a±b a plus or minus b (a+b)(a-b) a plus b,a minus b
(a+b)2 a plus b all squared
(a÷b)2 a over b all squared
n! n factorial;factorial n
a% a persent
|a| mod a;modulus a
x→∞ x approaches infinity
0< x
0?x?a zero is less than or equal to x is less than or equal to a
c=a.b 1)c equals (is equal to) a multiplied by b
2) c equals a times b
1:2 the ratio of one to two
1/2 a half;one half
1/3 a third;one third
1/100 a[one] hundredth
1/1000 a[one] thousandth
0.1(.1) zero point one;nought point one
0.01(.01) zero point zero one;nought point nought one
3.1416 three point one four one six
14. one four point one four,one four recurring
a:b the ratio of a to b
a:b=c 1) a devided by b equals c
2) a devided by b is c
3)the ratio of a to b is c
a:b=c:d 1) the ratio of a to b equals the ratio of c to d
2) a is to b as c is to d
a+b>c a plus b is greater then c
a+b< then b plus>equals不等于
a+b=c a plus b is (are;equals;is equal to) c
a-b=c a minus b(b from a) is(equals;is equal to;leaves) c (a,b) a
[a,b]a?x?b the closed interval from a to b
(a,b) the interval a
[a,b] the interval a?x
a?x?b a is less then or equal to x is less then or equal to b
logax logarithm (base) of x
lnx natural logarithm of x
x2 1)x square;x squured
2) x to the second power
3) x raised to the second power
4) the square of x
5) the second power of x
6) x to the second
x3 1)x cube;x cubed
2) x to the third power
3) x raised to the third power
4) the cube of x
5) the third power of x
6) x to the third
x n 1)x to the n-th power
2) x raised to the n-th power
3) the n-th power of x
4) x to the n-th
x-n 1) x to the minus n-th
2) x to the minus n-th power
=b 1) the square root of a is(equals) b 2) the square root out of a is(equals) b
the square root of a
the cube root of a
the cube root
the n-th root
a′ a prime
a n 1) a second prime
2) a double prime
3) a twice dashed;
a m 1) a triple prime
2) a third prime
a1 1) a sub one
2) a first
a2 1) a sub two
2) a second
a m 1) a su
b m
2) a m-th
a'm 1) a prime,sub m
2) a sub m,prime
a'1 a first prime
a n2 a second, second prime
y first derivative of y
second derivative of y
dy/dx first derivative of y with respect to x
d2y/dx2 second derivative of y with respect to x
y=f(x) y is a function of x
∫ integral of
1) integral of……from a to b
2) integral of……between limits a and b
capital L equals the square root of (out of ) capital R square plus minus x square
a to the m by n-th power equals the n-th root of (out of) a to the m-th power
P=∞ p is equal to infinity
∟ angle
⊥ perpendicular;is perpendicular to
∠ parallel;is parallel to
△ABC triangje ABC
vector F
a bar
≌ is congruent to
~ is similar t
A-1 inverse of matrix A % percent
abs absolute 绝对的
absolutely 绝对地
A.D Anno Domini 公元
ad inf ad infinitum 趋于⽆限
ads address 地址
agg aggregate 总数、共计
al algebra 代数
alt altitude ⾼度
alternate 交错,交替
a.m above-mentioned 上述的
< arithmetic mean 算术平均
amt amount 数量
ans answer 答案、解答、回答AoI and-or-inverter 与或⾮等差数列
A.P arithmetic
appl application 应⽤
appr approximate 近似、约计
appx appendix 附录
arg argument ⾃变数,幅⾓
arith arithmetic 算术
aut automatic ⾃动的
aux,auxil auxiliary 辅助的
av,avg average 平均
Ax Axiom 公理
B.C Before Christ 公元前