课    题
7A Unit 5 Let's celebrate!
Period 1 Comic strip and Welcome to the unit
执教班级    累计课时数    1
1 . To learn from famous festivals at home and abroad.
2. To preliminarily understand how to celebrate these festivals.
3- To talk about one's favourite festivals.
1.To learn from famous festivals at home and abroad.
2.To preliminarily understand how to celebrate these festivals.
To talk about one's favourite festivals.
CD, computer
Step 1 Lead-in
1.Lead in festivals with a calendar. Introduce these festivals: the National Day (October 1), Children\ Day (June i), the New Year (January 1) and so on.
Teach the word: festival.
2.Turn the calendar to October 31 and tell the Ss: This is also a festival. It is Halloween (万圣节前夜).
Teach the word: Halloween.
3.Explain Halloween: Halloween is a festival of Western countries. It comes on 31 October. In some ways I think it'e a funny day for children because they have lots of interesting activities to do, such as dressing themselves up like ghosts. Look Just like what Hobo is doing. (Get the Ss to look at Picture 3 in Comic strip.) Step 2 Presentation
1) What's Hobo doing?
Learn about festivals.
Learn about
Look and answer

1. Get the Ss to look at Picture 3 in
2) Why is he dressing
the questions.
Comic strip and answer the
himself up as a ghost?
2. Teach and explain: ghost, dress up,
Learn the words.
the Monkey King, celebrate.
Are Eddie and Hobo
Listen and
3. Get the Ss to close their books and
answer the
listen the tape and answer the
1) What does Hobo
4. Play the tape again, and the Ss
dress up as at first?
Listen, repeat
listen and repeat. Then answer the
2) What does he dress
and answer.
up as later?
Step 3 Practice
Read after the
1. Read after the tape again. Remind them to pay attention to the
pronunciation and intonation.
2.Read the dialogue in pairs.
3.Some pairs act the dialogue.
Practise in pairs.
后港中学    七年级英语    备课笔记
Step 4 Presentation
Learn the festivals in Part A.
1. Use the pictures in Part A to introduce the other two Western festivals: Christmas and Thanksgiving Day.
Learn the
2. Introduce the three China's
festivals at home
festivals in the same ways: Chinese
and abroad.
New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and
Mid-Autumn Festival.
3. Get the Ss to complete the
Complete Part A.
exercise in Part A. Check the answers.
Read aloud.
4.Read the festivals aloud.
5.Discuss how to celebrate these
Discuss how to
festivals- Tell some Ss to have a talk.
celebrate the
Step 5 Practice
1) What is Tommy's

1.Play the tape in Part B. The Ss listen and answer questions.
2.Play the tape again. The Ss listen and repeat.
3.Practise the dialogue in pairs.
4.Make similar dialogues in paris. Pick Some pairs to act their dialogues.
Step 6 Homework
1.Practise their own dialogues.
2.Finish the exercises in《课课练》
favourite festival?
2)Why does he like it?
3)What is Millie's festival?
4)What do people do to celebrate the day?
Listen and answer the questions. Practise in pairs.
Make and act similar dialogues-
Finish the homework.
后港中学    七年级英语    备课笔记
课    题
7A Unit 5 Lefs celebrate!
Period 2 Reading 1

执教班级    累计课时数    2
1.To learn about Halloween.
2.To preliminarily understand the writing format of letters.
1 . To learn about Halloween.
2. To preliminarily understand the writing format of letters.
To preliminarily understand the writing format of letters.
CD, computer
Step 1 Lead-in
1.Revise the festivals except Halloween the Ss have learnt in the last class. Show the pictures of the festivals and ask some questions
2.Show the picture of Halloween. Get the Ss to talk about it.
Step 2 Presentation
1.Prepare five pictures before class. Picture 1: people who are dressing up and wearing masks
Picture 2: people whose faces are painted
Picture 3: pumpkin lanterns
Picture 4: children who are playing "trick or treat,,
Picture 5: a Halloween party
2.Tell the Ss: Today we will talk about more details about Halloween. Here I have some pictures of this festival. (Show Pictures 1 and 2) At Halloween, people dress up and wear masks or paint their faces. They try to make themselves different from usual, because it's a special day. (Show Picture 3) It is a lantern for us to see clearly at night, and this lantern is made out of a pumpkin.
1)What is this festival?
2)How do people celebrate it?
Can you say something about Halloween?
Answer the questions.
Talk about
Look at the pictures carefully.
Listen to the

It's a pumpkin lantern. (Show Picture 4) At Halloween, children's favourite game is to play “trick or treat". Children will knock on people's doors and ask fbr some candy as a treat. If they do not get the treat, they will play a trick on people. (Show Picture 5) On the evening of October 31, people will have a party to celebrate the festival.
3. Present and teach the words: dress up, wear masks, paint faces, special, pumpkin lantern,
Learn the new
后港中学    七年级英语    备课笔记
4. Get the Ss to complete the notes in
Complete Part
Part B1. Check the answers.
5. Play the tape. The Ss listen and
How does Wendy like
Listen and
answer the question.
Step 3 Practice
1. Play the tape again. The Ss listen
Read after the
and repeat.
1) What does Wendy
2. Read the letter. Complete the
thank Millie for?
exercise in Part B2. Choose "T" or
2) When is Halloween?
Complete Part
"F". Correct the wrong sentences.
3) How do children feel
Pick some Ss to tell their answers.
about this festival?
Check the answers.
4) What activities do
3. Read the letter carefully and
they do on the festival?
Read and answer
answer questions.
5) What do they enjoy
the questions.
4. Complete the exercise in Part B3.
at the Halloween party?
One student read the passage. Check
Complete Part
the answers. Then the whole class read the passage aloud.
Step 4 Showing
1. Get the Ss to read the text further, and then retell part of the text—how children play the game “trick or
B3. Read aloud.

Give them some key words: visit—> knock ongive— as a treat—> play a trick on
2. After preparing for five minutes, pick some Ss to retell the game.
Step 5 Homework
1.Read the text well.
2.Finish the exercises in《课课练》
Retell the game “trick or treat".
Finish the homework.
后港中学    七年级英语    备课笔记
课    题
7A Unit 5 Let's celebrate!
Period 3 Reading 2
执教班级    累计课时数    3
1.To learn the language points in the text.
2.To master and use some words, phrases and sentence patterns coiTectly.
1. To learn the language points in the text.

2. To master and use some words, phrases and sentence patterns coiTectly.
To master and use some words, phrases and sentence patterns correctly.
CD, computer
Step 1 Revision
1.Some Ss read the text.
2.The whole class read the text aloud.
3.Complete the dialogue in Part B4. Two Ss read the dialogue. Check the answers.
Practise in pairs. Some pairs read the dialogue.
Step 2. Language points
1.Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival.感谢你告诉我有关中 秋节的情况。
1)thank you/ thanks for (doing) sth.感谢你
Thanks for your help,谢谢你的帮助。
2)tell sb. 告诉某人有关    的情况
eg Let's go and tell her about the football match.我们去告诉她足球比赛的事情吧。
2.We have some festivals in the USA, and I like Halloween best.在美国我们有一些节 日,我最喜欢万圣书前夕。
like ... best 最喜欢    ,best 表示“最e.g.
What colour do you like best?
3.Halloween is on October 31.
万圣节前夕在1031 0o
October 31这种“月+日”的美式日期表达法; 而英式表达法是“日+月",如:31 Octobero
4.Children have lots of fun on that day.
Read the text.
Complete Part
B4. Practise in pairs.
Learn the language points.