Oliver Twist Vocabulary

1.Wfaintorkhouse  n.济贫院
2.Exaggerate  v.夸张
3.Inhuman  adj.不人道的
4.Coffin  n.棺材
5.Bow  v.鞠躬
6.Drunken  adj.喝醉的
7.Scratch  v.抓,挠
8.Courageous  adj.勇敢的
9.Generous  adj.慷慨的
10.Milestone  n.里程碑
11.Evil-looking  adj.长相凶恶的
12.Splendid  adj.壮观的,闪亮的
13.Parliament  n.国会
14.Needle  n.针
15.Pursuit  n.追赶
16.Murder sb. vt.谋杀(某人)
17.Weep  v.哭泣
18.Deceive  vt.欺骗
19.Constable  n.警察
20.Pray  v.祈祷
21.Fierce  adj.激烈的,凶猛的
22.Hatred  n.仇恨
23.Address sb.同某人说话
24.Curse sb.诅咒某人
25.Grief  n.悲痛
26.Shadow  n.阴影,阴暗处
27.Sit up 坐直
28.Separate v 使...分开
29.Proof  n. 证据
30.Trustworthy  adj.值得信任的
31.Half-brother  n.同父异母兄弟
32.Fall in love with sb.爱上某人
33.Break free 挣脱掉
34.Search for 搜寻
35.From time to time 有时
36.Spare (my life) v.饶恕
37.Send sb. Away 送走某人
38.Load the pistol给装子弹
39.Leave sb. Alone 让某人独处
40.Make up for 弥补,补偿
41.In the name of law 以法律的名义
42.Be filled with fear 充满恐惧
43.Get through the window 穿过窗户
44.Sb be hanged 被绞死
45.Draw back 退缩,退到一边
46.Lead the way 带路,引路
47.Fall on ones knees跪下
48.Put an end to sth. 使某事结束
49.Have mercy/pity on sb.怜悯某人
50.A gang of thives 一伙小偷
51.Shoes are worn out 鞋子穿坏了
52.Grow wild with hunger 饿得发疯
53.Lose ones life 失去生命
54.Drown the gog 把狗淹死
55.Turn him into a thief把他变成小偷
56.He is a bag of bones 他骨瘦如柴

57.Suffer from a serious illness遭受重病的折磨 
58.Keep quiet about sth.将某事保密
59.Fall to the ground in a faint 晕倒在地
60.He is more dead than alive他差不多和死人一样
61.Lead/live a happy life 过着幸福的生活
62.Take ones life结束某人的性命
63.Fall into a deep / heavy sleep 沉睡过去
64.The clock struck ten.钟敲了十下。
65.He is in prison now. 他现在在坐牢。
66.How dare you treat me like this? 你怎么敢这样对我?
67.He often rubs his eyes. 他常揉眼睛
68.He was tired out.他精疲力竭了。
69.She burst into tears. 她突然大哭起来了。
70.He is mad with fear and terror吓得魂都快掉了
71.The rain came down thick and fast.倾盆大雨
72.There is a hundred pounds reward for him.悬赏100英镑捉拿他。
73.Her kind voice took nancy by surprise.她温柔的声音让南希很震惊。
74.Night fell. They sat upstairs, waiting in silence.夜幕降临他们坐在楼上静静地等。
75.He is about Olivers age but he behaves like a man.他和奥利弗年龄相仿,但言行举止像个大人。
76.Looking at the floor, he tried to collect his thoughts.眼睛盯着地板,他尽力把思绪集中起来。
77.He turned his back on the dark days of the past.他将过去那些黑暗的岁月抛到脑后。
78.His eyes were fixed on the jewels in silent curiosity. 他眼睛盯着那些宝石,很好奇。
79.Shout for help at the top of his voice扯着嗓子喊救命
80.He is a rough man and thinks nothing of blood when he is angry.他是一个粗人,生气时杀人不眨眼。
81.He loved them with all his heart. 他全心全意地爱着他们。
82.I stood alone beside her when death came over her.当死神的阴影笼罩她时,我独自一人站在她旁边。
83.Bring her to me an this place and in silence.把她带到这里来,不要声张。
84.The air there did not agree with him.那里的空气不适合他。