我喜欢的季节春天英语作文 篇6
Suddenly, winter winter, the weather began to gradually pick up, the climate became wetter, giving a moist warm feeling. Spring has come back at last, and its arrival gives nature a new sight. Everywhere is full of vitality, full of vitality.
In the spring, it is the season of flying kites. I'm going to fly a kite with a couple of guys today. We were excited and shouting and shouting, running and jumping, happy like a happy little bird, and the playground suddenly became lively. When you see people running and putting lines on the other side, the colorful kites slowly rise, rise and rise, and show different forms in the blue sky. Some like the large aircraft, flying in the sky; some like goldfish, free to travel in the blue sea; some like butterflies, dancing in the pear; some like the eagle, in the blue sky fluttering strong wings and fly to the distant ahead & hellip; … ah, the blue sky a riot of colours, like a kaleidoscope, like a beautiful paradise.
After the burst of spring rain, a clump of green grass stretches. A small blue flower, small white flowers and small red … … like a shy little girl. The willow wobble the newly grown twigs. The peach trees open the pink smiling face to greet the beautiful spring. Spring after a winter sleeping trees are covered with green gauze, green shoots and out of the branches, with the new desire and vision for the future, in the breeze!
Ah! The spring, like a picture, paper, the pen, painted with a vigorous color, the green belt in the wilderness, mountains; the brilliant colors, with flowers, the blue; covered on the sea, the waters of the lake with the light green.
I love spring, like a traveler, wandering the Quartet, sowing the seeds of spring spring, the spread of news, wake a hibernating animal, over the river ice and the morning, warm feeling, the earth melted snow.
我喜欢的季节春天英语作文 篇7
There are four seasons in a year, red Liulv spring, hot summer, cool autumn and winter Snow gleams white. What I like most is spring.
Spring is a season for all things to recover. The grass from the earth out of the head, the flowers zhengfangdouyan, show luxuriant. The willow girl waved her arm along the river, and the swallows swept through the sky. There is a lively scene everywhere.
Spring is a season of hope. The farmers in the hard seed, “ spring a millet, 10000 sub autumn harvest. ” they all want a good harvest in the fall. The students immersed in study, but also to have a good result.
Spring is a season of vigor and vitality. “ a year's plan is spring. ” spring is the beginning of a year. Look, the streets are full of children's footprints. Indeed, for the spring to do a lot of things, such as kites, hiking, picnic, all can show the children's vigor, vitality and fun.hibernating
Spring is still a green season. Looking at the green grass and the green leaves, it is really pleasing to the eyes.
Of course, I like the spring of life, too. The spring of life is youth. It's good to be young and you can feel the process of growing up with your heart. Whether it is as plain as water, as
fine as silk, or in an amazing and vigorous manner, youth is happy. As long as you cherish the feeling of youth, the acid, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty of your youth will be the most precious jewels in your life's journey.
The youth we don't inferiority, not arrogance, not arrogant, not zishang, good!
I like spring, I like spring of all things revival, I like spring full of hope, I like vigorous spring, I like green spring and I like life's spring.
Spring is great, I like spring.
我喜欢的'季节春天英语作文 篇8
Scorching summer, autumn fruits, winter jade powder is certainly beautiful, but I love the spring recovery of all things full of vigour.
Spring, blooming grass from the earth, a hundred flowers contend in beauty, drill out, willows have sprouted, willow in the spring breeze blowing gently swaying, the swallow flew back from the south.
The spring breeze blows the clear river, and the little fish swim and play happily in the water. There are tiny ripples on the water surface, and a little gold is shining under the sunlight.
The grass, the grass were stripped of the yellow old clothes, put on a green spring. The flowers argue with wearing a riotous with colour flower dress, the spring breeze blowing, flowers and grasses are danced a merry dance.
The blink of an eye, under the rain, the fine drizzling rain, washed away by the heavy winter. Through the moisture of the rain, all kinds of flowers and trees decorate the nature of the new. Look at the spring sky again! Ah! Flying kites in the sky, in the blue sky and white clouds, all kinds of kites are particularly beautiful. At this time, how I would like to make a kite and fly under the blue sky, what a pleasant scene it is!