Unit 8 Story time
①Miss Li is asking the students about their dreams.李老师正在询问学生们的梦想。Miss Li: What do you want to be in the future, boys?李老师:你们将来想成为什么,男孩们?Mike: I want to be a dentist. Many children don't care about their teeth. I want to help them.迈克:我想成为一名牙医。许多孩子不关心他们的牙齿。我想帮助他们。Wang Bing: I want to be an astronaut. I want to fly a spaceship to the Moon.王兵:我想成为一名宇航员。我想驾驶宇宙飞船到月球。Liu Tao: I want to be a football player. I want to play in the World Cup some day.刘涛:我想成为一名足球运动员。我想有朝一日在世界杯踢球。Miss Li: Thank you, boys. Your dreams are great!李老师:谢谢你们,男孩们。你们的梦想很伟大!②Miss Li: What do you want to be in the future, girls?李老师:你们将来想成为什么,女孩们?Su Hai: I want to be a dancer. Dancing makes people healthy and beautiful.苏海:我想成为一名舞蹈家。跳舞使人们健康和美丽。Nancy: I want to be a writer. I want to
write stories for children.南希:我想成为一名作家。我想为孩子们写故事。Yang Ling: I want to be a pianist. Music makes people happy.杨玲:我想成为一名钢琴演奏家。音乐使人快乐。③Mike: What's your dream, Miss Li?迈克:你的梦想是什么,李老师?Miss Li: I want to see your dreams come true!李老师:我想看到你们的梦想成真!
Wordsan astronaut 一位宇航员 a dancer 一位舞者 a football
player 一位足球运动员a pianist 一位钢琴家
Sound timeWord linking连读
My teacher asked me, 我的老师问我
“What do you want to be?”你想成为什么样的人?
I told him what I thought. 我告诉他我的想法。I said,“An astronaut! 我说,一位宇航员!
I want to walk on Mars, 我想在火星行走。
And look at all the stars!”看到所有的星星!
Song time
I'm a little teacher我是一名小老师I'm a little teacher. Here's my book.我是一名小老师。这是我的书。I teach in my school every day.我每天在我的学校教课。When I'm in the classroom, hear me say,当我在教室里的时候,(就能)听到我说:"All you children, please be good."“所有的孩子,请听话。”
Cartoon timeBobby and his friends have their dreams.博比和他的朋友们有他们的梦想。①Bobby wants to be a scientist. He should study hard. He will read many books.博比想成为一名科学家。他应该努力学习。他将读许多书。②Sam wants to be a policeman. He wants to help people. A policeman should be brave and strong. Sam will do more sport.萨姆想成为一名警察。他想帮助人们。一名警察应该勇敢和强壮。萨姆将做更多的体育运动。③Willy wants to be an artist. He likes painting. He often paints pictures in the park. He will have painting lessons.威利想
④Billy wants to be a cook. He likes food. He will go to cooking school.比利想成为一名厨师。他喜欢食物。他将去烹饪学校。⑤We all have a dream. What's your dream?我们都有梦想。你的梦想是什么?
dream 梦想
future 将来,未来
care about 关心,在乎
tooth 牙齿
astronaut 宇航员
spaceship 宇宙飞船
football player 足球运动员
World Cup 世界杯
dancer 舞蹈家
pianist 钢琴演奏家
come true 实现,成真
take care of 爱护;照顾
scientist 科学家
brave 勇敢的
artist 艺术家
paint 画画
in the future 在将来
care about 关心,在乎
fly a spaceship 驾驶宇宙飞船
football player 足球运动员postman的中文翻译
World Cup 世界杯
write stories 写故事
come true 实现,成真
study hard 努力学习
brave and strong 勇敢和强壮
paint pictures 画画
do more sport 做更多的体育运动
in the park 在公园里
have painting lessons 上绘画课
go to cooking school 去烹饪学校
Thank you.谢谢你(们)。
【课文应用】What do you want to be in the future,boys? 你们将来想成为什么,男孩儿们?
I want to be a dentist.
问句:What do you want to be in the future?
答语:I want to be a/an+职业名词.
问句用于询问对方将来想从事什么职业,其中what意为“什么”, in the future 意为“将来”。
【生活实例】Miss Brown正在询问Liu Mei将来想从事什么职业,让我们看一看Liu Mei怎么说的:
Miss Brown: What do you want to be in the future?
Liu Mei: I want to be an English teacher.
(1)问句:What does+主语(第三人称单数)+want to be in the future?
答语:He/She wants to be a/an+职业名词.
例如:What does she want to be in thefuture?
She wants to be an artist.
(2)问句: What do+主语(第三人称复数)+wantto be in the future? 答语:They want to be+职业名词(复数).
例如:-What do they want to be in the future?
-They want to be football players.
farmer 农民
worker 工人
soldier 军人
student 学生
singer 歌唱家
doctor 医生
driver 司机
pilot 飞行员
policeman 警察
postman 邮递员
teacher 教师