1. The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a
_______ of 60 miles.【2004全国IV】
A. length
B. distance
C. way
D. space
2. I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the children’s . 【2004天津】
A. reach
B. hand
C. hold
D. place
3. The environmentalists and wild goats’ _________ on the vast grasslands was a good indication of the better environment.【2004上海】
A. escape
B. absence
C. attendance
D. appearance
4. In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _____ in personality. 【2004上海】
A. contact
B. contrast
C. connection
D. conflict
5. Chinese arts have won the _________ of a lot of people outside China.
A. enjoyment
B. appreciation
C. entertainment
D. reputation
6. “I don’t think it’s my that the TV blew up . I just turned it on , that’s all ,” sai d the boy . 【2003上海】
A.error B.mistake C.fault D.duty
7. —I’m sorry I stepped outside for a smoke. I was very tired.
—There is no ____for this while you are on duty. 【2003北京】
A. reason
B. excuse
C. cause
D. explanation
8. The manager has got a good business _________ so the company is doing well. 【2003北京】
A. idea
B. sense
C. thought
D. thinking
9. To regain their after an exhausting game , the players lay in the grass. 【2002上海】
A. force
B. energy
C. power
D. health
10.According to the recent research , heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily and effect. 【2002上海】
A. reason
B. impact
C. fact
D. cause
11.Every new has the possibility of making or losing money. 【2002上海】
A. event
B. venture
C. adventure
D. expectation
12. As a result of destroying the forests , a large of desert covered the land. 【2001上海】
A. number…has
B. quantity… has
C. number… have
D. quantity…have
13. In the botanic garden we can find a (n) of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers. 【2001上海】
B. group
C. amount
D. variety
14. ---- Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree?
---- No, it’s out of . 【2001上海】
A. range
B. reach
C. control
D. distance
15. The life of London is made up of many different . 【2001上海】
A. elements
B. sections
C. materials
D. realities
16. You'll find this map of great _____ in helping you to get round London. 【NMET1998】
A. price
B. cost
C. value
D. usefulness
17. If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a _______.【NMET1997】
A. message
B. letter
C. sentence
D. notice
18. I'll look into the matter as soon as possible. Just have a little. 【NMET1996】
A. wait
B. time
C. patience
D. rest
19. He gained his by printing of famous writers. 【NMET1995】
A. wealth; work
B. wealths works
C. wealths; work
D. wealth; works
20. Here's my card. Let's keep in ______. 【MET1994】
A. touch
B. relation
C. connection
D. friendship
1. B 该题考查名词的辨析。length长度,distance距离,way路途,space空间。从from (60)
miles判断此处指的是距离。故选B。句意:从六⼗英⾥远的地⽅可以看到在Rushmore ⼭上的四位美国著名总统的头像。2. A 该题根据交际情景考查名词辨析。beyond [above, out of] one's [the] reach意为:达
3. D 考查名词的词义辨析。句意:环境保护论者和野⼭⽺的出现,预⽰了环境的改善。
4. D 名词词义辨析。句⼦的意思为“在处理公共关系上,我们应该尽量避免在个性⽅⾯的冲
突”。contact“接触,联系”,contrast “对⽐,对照”,connection“连接,关系”,conflict“⽃争,冲突”。
5. B 名词词义辨析。句⼦意思为“中国艺术在海外赢得了正确的评价”。Enjoyment“享乐,快
6. C 辨析名词的词义,error差错(主要指⾏为不正),mistake错误(意见,想法或⾏为上的
错误)fault过失.⽑病。duty 义务.任务,句意为“电视机爆炸不是我的过错,我只是打开了开关,就这些”,因此C为最佳选择。
7. B 该题是交际情景中考查四个名词的辨析。excuse意为:藉⼝;托辞;cause意为:原因, 导
致某事发⽣的⼈或事。cause⽤于表⽰具有明显因果关系的原因。reason 意为:理由,动机, 前提;re
ason有时能与cause换⽤,但上下⽂必须有能够查得出的或可以解释得出的因果关系。如果某“结果”是不⾔⽽喻的,也可以⽤reason表⽰“原因”;explanation意为:解释, 解说, 说明。据题意:――对不起我刚才出去抽烟了。我很累了。――你在值班,对此不要借⼝。此处只是为⾃⼰当值时外出借⼝,故选答案B。
8. B考查对名词意义的辨析。sense理解⼒;鉴赏⼒;辨识⼒。a good business sense 有经
9.B 考查对名词意义的辨析。force(⼒,暴⼒)energy(精⼒,能量)power(体⼒,智⼒,精⼒),但常⽤复数形
式,health(健康,健康状况),因此B为正确答案。句意:为了在令⼈疲惫的运动后恢复体⼒,运动员们躺在草坪上。10.D 考查对名词意义的辨析,reason(理由),impact(强烈印象或影响),fact(事实)cause
11.B 考查对名词意义的辨析,event(事件.重要事件)venture(冒险事业)adventure(冒险.
冒险的经历)expectation(期望.期待)句⼦意思为“每⼀项新的冒险事业,都有可能挣钱或者陪钱”,因此B为正确答案。12.B 考查名词的数与主谓⼀致。a large number of修饰可数名词。a large quantity修饰不
13. D 考查名词的辨析。species物种);group组,,amount总数,数量;variety多样性。
14.A 考查名词的辨析。range射程;reach⼿所及的范围,伸出;control控制;distance距
材料,原料,资料;realities现实,真相,真实之物。句意为:“伦敦的⽣活是由许多种不同的部分组成的”A符合意思要求。16. C 该题考查名词辨析。根据题意:这张地图在帮助你游览伦敦⽅⾯很重要。price:价格;cost费⽤,成本,价钱, 代价;usefulness:有⽤, 有效性;value:价值,重要性,有益处;of value 相当于valuable 意为:有价值的,很重要的。
17. A 该题考查对句意的理解。句意为“如果偶然有⼈来看我,请他们留下⼝信”。leave a message 意为:留下⼝信,准确地表达了这⼀意思。与message搭配的还有:take a message for sb 捎⼝信,receive a message :收到⼝信。
18. C 该题考查根据句意的理解辨别名词的⽤法。句意: “我将尽可能快地调查此事。请要有耐⼼。”just⽤在祈使句的开头,表⽰“试,请”⽤于安抚对⽅“要有耐⼼”。patience意为:忍耐, 耐⼼,符合题意。have a little time与句意不符;D项不仅与句意不符。且表⽰“休息⼀会⼉”常⽤have a rest。wait作名词⽤时是可数名词,不能和a little搭配。
19. D 该题考查名词的类别。wealth(财富)是不可数名词,没有复数形式,不能加s。Work 作“⼯作”之意时为不可数名词;⽤作“著作”时,是可数名词,常⽤复数works。句意:“他通过印刷著名作家的作品获取了巨⼤的财富”。
20. A 该题考查习惯⽤语。keep in touch (with sb.) 是习惯⽤语,意为:“(与某⼈)保持联系”。句意:这是我的名⽚。我们今后保持联系。
只能修饰可数名词单数和不可数名词,last,next,the other和序数词只能修饰可数名词单数和复数。
advice, bread, butter, baggage, chalk, clothing, furniture, fun, homework, information, juice, luggage, luck, music, milk, progress, permission, practice, rice, soap, weather, work 等,
beauty, coffee, failure, honour, success, difficulty, experience, trouble
Abraham Lincoln 亚伯拉罕·林肯London 伦敦Canada 加拿⼤
the United States of America 美利坚合众国the Great Hall of the People ⼈民⼤会堂
the Smiths 史密斯夫妇the Pacific Ocean太平洋
the Germans德国⼈民the Rich富⼈