    The 29th Shanghai Popular Science English Speaking Contest: An Overview
    The 29th Shanghai Popular Science English Speaking Contest was held on April 4th and 5th, 2020, at Northeastern University. This annual event aims to promote science communication and encourage students to share their scientific knowledge in English. Here are some highlights of the event:
    1. Diverse Topics
    The contest covers various disciplines in science, including physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, environmental science, and more. Each participant is required to deliver a 7-minute presentation on a science-related topic of their choice in English. The wide range of topics ensures that everyone has a chance to showcase their expertise.
    2. Impressive Presentations
    The contestants impressed the judges with the quality of their presentations. They demonstrated deep understanding and enthusiasm for their subjects and used creative visuals, interactive activities, and smooth transitions to engage the audience. The contestants also answered questions from the judges and the audience with confidence and clarity.
    3. Knowledgeable Judges
    The judges for the contest are experts in their respective fields, including professors, science journalists, and science communicators. They offer valuable feedback and evaluation to the contestants, helping them improve their speaking skills, scientific understanding, and presentation techniques.
    4. Fun Activities
    Apart from the presentations, the contest also features fun activities such as science quizzes, science experiments, and science games. These activities help the contestants and the audience learn and enjoy science in a lively and interactive way.
    5. Networking Opportunity
    The contest provides a platform for science enthusiasts to connect with each other and expand their network. The contestants and the audience come from various schools, universities, and organizations, giving everyone a chance to meet new friends, exchange ideas, and collaborate on future projects.showcase
    Overall, the 29th Shanghai Popular Science English Speaking Contest was a success, showcasing the talent and passion of young scientists and science communicators. We look forward to the next one and hope to see more people participate and support science communication in English.