第一篇:The Alchemist英文读读后感
The Alchemist The Alchemist: A Fable About Following Your Dream is also calledO Alquimista.It is a simple but unordinary story.The Alchemist, first published in 1988, is a modern classic that has been translated into sixty languages, read in over 150 counties and sold more than 30 million copies.The author Paulo Coelho was borned in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.His books were translated into many different kinds of languages and were popular around the world.The Alchemist begins at dusk.Santiago, a Shepard boy, is settling in for the night with his herd at an abandoned church with a half-destroyed roof and an enormous sycamore tree growing through it.That night, he has a dream about finding treasure near the Egyptian Pyramids.His travels have brought him near a town where he hopes to reacquaint himself with a girl he met the previous year.He detours to Tarifa, a nearby village where he can shave, get a haircut, and meet with visit a gypsy who can interpret dreams.The gypsy and a mysterious old man claiming to be a king advi
se him to pursue the treasure.To that end, Santiago sells his sheep and travels from Spain to Tangier.A thief steals his all of his money, forcing Santiago to take a job to survive.He finds works for a crystal merchant and after a year of success helping him expand his business, Santiago earns enough money to return home.On the way, he meets an Englishman on a quest to learn the secrets of alchemy and is inspired continue his search.Local wars strand Santiago and the Englishman in a desert oasis.However, thanks to this change in plans, he finds his true love, Fatima, and meets the Alchemist.Together with the Alchemist, Santiago continues his journey, facing life-threatening danger and more financial loss.He reaches the Pyramids of Egypt and ultimately finds his treasure––but not in Egypt.Language of this book is very simple, but every word is philosophy.―At that point in their lives, everything is clear and everything is possible.They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives.But, as time passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize their destiny.‖
―when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.‖
They were said by Tthe king of Salem.This two sentences were the most impressive sentences to me.I got the central theme of the book——pursuing dream.We should believe our dreams, if we have the strong desire to achieve it ,it will be real.When I first read this sentence, I felt a bit ridiculous.It seems like a slogan.However, just like the book told us,‖ When the huge wealth is right in front of us, but we never notice.That is because people don't believe the
treasure is there.‖ We often reject it but never try, and it may be a big psychological obstacle for us to follow our dreams.In my opinion, maybe we should believe what the book told us——when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.Different people have different feelings about the book.As for me, the most impression I got was the description of dream.Actually, everyone can got his own philosophy.
“Secret garden” is a novel.The author is Ron Sis, the most famous American writer of literature in the late nineteenth Century.Hodgson? Burnett.Burnett was born in Manchester, England in 1849, and the family immigrated to the United States in 1865.Burnett loved gardening since she was a child, and the garden is a place she often writes.In 1909, it was her garden in Long Island, New York, which inspired her to create the most successful work in her life, the secret garden.The story tells of Marie, a British little girl who lost his parents.Len Nakos, in her adopted uncle manor house, heard that a ten years nobody in the secret garden.Later, she met a gardener named this? West J, and a mockingbird.The mockingbird directed the keys and doors of the secret garden to Marie, which led to a series of twists and turns of wonderful stories.The contact with nature makes the selfish and irascible Marie become a lively and cheerful girl, and together with the farm boy Dikn, the long lost secret garden has turned into a beautiful gar
den.Help the sick manor withdrawn Colin master back to health and self-confidence.In the end, the children reaped the precious friendship and made the garden and its owners reborn.“Secret garden” is almost a fairy tale, and it can change the hot-Grumpy little girl into a lively, lovely little girl.Before I finished reading this book, I didn't write it until Marie found the secret garden.I thought the book was boring!I can see it in the back and I can't get it off.This book also proves the fact that nature and a beautiful mind are precious to each of us.We also want to protect the environment and make the grass carpets full of flowers.篇2:读秘密花园英文读后感
understandableHave you ever heard of the book “secret garden”? It is a very famous book on the list of famous Chinese and foreign books.The author of this book is the American writer Burnett.This book is mainly about Marie was born in India, Marie is a very strange temper girl, her parents died of the plague, she was sent to Uncle Craven home, living there.That night, he heard the cries from the other room, she was very curious, in second days, the room came a cry, Marie mother went and found Colin, they both have strange temper, they became friends.Marie ran to the garden and found Ben Witherstav, and a red candie
d thrush.The red candied thrush gave directions to Marie, and let her find the key of the secret garden and enter the secret garden.He also came to help Marie things, Colin can not help but want to go to the secret garden, in the secret garden, playing Marie and Dickon and Colin every day in the secret garden, is considered the lame Colin strong, stood up, and can go very well.What is most memorable to me in this book is that Susan Sowerby said, “the earth is like an orange, the orange does not belong to anyone.” Everyone can have a corner that belongs to him.If you want to have the whole orange, even the belt flesh is ridiculous--.If you do, it may not even have no seeds, and the seeds are bitter, not eat.“ The meaning of this sentence is to think of the earth as an orange, and the oranges do not belong to you, me, and any of him.Everyone will own their own land.If you want to get the whole oranges, it's ridiculous.If you fight for the whole oranges, it will probably lead you to a useless land.This is a philosophy of life, and the power of one is no longer the whole of the orange.We tell people not proud, do not think that their own money on the self, the heart not thinking of others, engage in individualism.Magic is hidden in your heart.If you have a solid belief in your heart, the magic hidden in your heart
will appear.This is what the idea is coming from mind, and your mind will become a reality.篇3:读秘密花园英文读后感
Recently, I read the book ”secret garden“, the plot and content of the book deeply attracted me.There is no gorgeous statements, no excitement, with great eloquence of the plot, only those simple and understandable language, ordinary yet touching story.But after reading this book, I seem to have gone through life again, a deeper understanding of the value and significance of life.The book tells of a spoiled India girl, Marie, who came to a mysterious manor in England for some unexpected changes.There, she spent many interesting, new, exciting days, and experienced a lot of strange and mysterious things.A lot of personalities have Finally, she opened was not only has long been the ”secret garden“, and cure the owner of the estate of Mr.Craven, master Colin serious heart disease, while Marie himself was the experience of cure their bad habits, arrogant, arrogant, egoistic, not any human heart.The book takes Marie and the ”secret garden“ as the center to fully explain what human nature is and what life is.Life, its meaning and value is alive;after all, a person's success again, cause in the large, do not know the real
value of life, everything is futile;on the contrary, a person can see through life, see the true meaning of life, open heart, no worries, so success large or small property or failure, what are the clouds.Just like Craven and Colin in books, they can only immerse themselves in the past, unable to, or dare not to face reality.Is that the meaning of life?