idea是什么意思英语翻译1. What is the main idea of the passage?
The main idea of the passage is about endangered animals and the need to protect them.
2. What is the goal of the World Wildlife Fund?
The goal of the World Wildlife Fund is to protect endangered species and their habitats.
3. How many endangered animals are mentioned in the passage?
Two endangered animals are mentioned in the passage: pandas and tigers.
4. What are some reasons why pandas are endangered?
Some reasons why pandas are endangered include habitat loss, illegal hunting, and low birth rates.
5. What are some reasons why tigers are endangered?
Some reasons why tigers are endangered include habitat destruction, poaching for their valuable body parts, and conflicts with humans.
6. How does the World Wildlife Fund help protect endangered animals?
The World Wildlife Fund helps protect endangered animals by working with local communities to preserve habitats, conducting research and monitoring, and advocating for policy changes.
7. What can individuals do to help protect endangered animals?
Individuals can help protect endangered animals by supporting conservation organizations, reducing their carbon footprint, spreading awareness, and avoiding purchasing products made from endangered animal parts.
8. Why is it important to protect endangered animals?
It is important to protect endangered animals because they play crucial roles in maintainin
g ecosystems, and their extinction can have negative effects on the environment. Additionally, preserving biodiversity is essential for the balance of nature and the well-being of future generations.