草儿绿、花儿香,环境优美人健康 Emerald grass and fragrant flower form the wonderful environmnet for human health 爱比花红,情比绿浓 Love is more lovely than flower, affection is thick than grass 我在和你一同成长I grow together with you 幸福连着你我他,平安幸福靠大家Happiness links you and me, and peace and safety relies on the mass 今天动手布绿种,来日扑鼻草花香Sow seeds today, receive fruit in the future 今天,我为绿而努力;明天,绿为我而自豪Today, we are striving for the green environment and tomorrow, we are proud of the beautiful environment 不要让小草哭泣,不要让废纸飘飞Don’t let the grass weep, don’t fly the scraps 爱护脚下草,莫折枝头花Protect the grass beneath and don’t pick the flower 绿来自您手,美来自我心Greenness can be done with your hands, and beauty comes from my heart 空气、清水、绿,我们无价的财富Air, clean water and greenness are our precious wealth 让我们把温馨带走,把真爱留下Take away the warmth and leave the love 草木成荫多
好看,乱扔垃圾是添乱Shadowed grass can’t spare any trash 有了热爱生活的心,才能召唤翠绿的情Only a loving heart can create the emerald scene 扔一次垃圾心灵就蒙一层灰尘,捡一次垃圾心灵就添一块净土Add a layer of dust to the soul for once littering, and add a sense of peace and cleanness to the soul for once cleaning 礼貌使你变得高雅,助人能使你得到快乐,谦让能使你增添美德Courtesy makes you elegant, helping others adds your joy and being modest gives you virtual 为了您和他人的健康,请不要随地吐痰For you and other’s safety, don’t spit 手下留芳,足下留青绿有限,爱心无限 Endless love for your care of the grass beneath 绿草茵茵,请勿践踏Don’t trample the grass 手边留情花似锦,足下止步绿永茵Don’t pick flowers and trample grass 储蓄绿生命,绽放绿光彩Protect lives and create green world 请您脚下留留情,小草宝宝谢谢您Don’t trample on the tender grass. Thank you. 举手之劳,我们能做的还很多You can do even more. 你爱我护他关心,草绿树茂花美丽We care them and make them more beautiful 让你的身影像花儿一样美丽Let yourself as beautiful as flower 绿草茵茵,踏之可惜Don’t trample on the grass here. 小草微微笑,请你绕一绕Grass smiles for your kindness. 珍惜一片绿,留与万人赏Care the greenness for appreciation 依依芳草,踏之何忍Don’t hurt them, the tender grass. 青青绿叶
红花,岂能肆意践踏The grass and flower shouldn’t be damaged.迈步留意地下草,掸指莫折指头花Mind your step to avoid hurting any plants. 
小草含羞笑,请您勿打扰Don’t disturb the growth of plants. 有您的呵护,我盈盈飘香The plant thrives for your care 
留下您的微笑,带走花草的情意Leave your smile and take away the affection from the greenness 
一言一行如有爱,一草一木均含情Do everything with love, care everything with life 绿,生命之源,足下留情Green, the source of live, deserves your care. 近水之美,落水有别Appreciate it only, don’t fall. 足下,请抬步上上下下,注意脚下Please mind your steps 小宠可人,莫要留痕Don’t scrape it. 请穿上鞋套 留一方洁净 Wear the shoe suit to leave it clean  指纹您独有 岂能随意留Don’t leave your fingerprints here. 还是别躺吧Don’t lie down. 请勿使用No use. 懂我就请靠近我,不懂就请远离我Draw close to me for you know me, and keep distance if you don’t. 整理整顿天天做,清扫清洁时时行Clean and sort out anytime. 百川汇海可撼天。众志成城比金坚Man power is infinite to do a good job. 烟雾会迷乱您参观的视线Mist and smokes would damage your view. 您的眼睛才是天赐的最佳镜头Y
our eyes are God-sent scenes预期停下休息 不如一鼓作气 Don’t stop, but move on. 施工进行中,敬请谅解In construction, please forgive 清洁维护中,敬请谅解 In cleaning, please forgive植物更换中,敬请期待Plant in replacement, please understand雨天路滑,脚下留意 Slippery in raindays, mind your step 样板间提示语Sample room tips 此样品仅供参考The sample is for reference only. 请勿吸烟No Smoking. 依此标准呈交阁下To you according to the standard鉴赏之余,勿坐也罢Don’t sit down while appreciating  警示牌类Warning plates 只需一个小动作,不让电机空运作Don’t let engine operation for nothing by helping it a little 机房重地 闲人免进Important place of engine, no admittance to the irrelevant小心触电 请勿戏水Danger: electricity, No play in water 请勿攀爬 小心危险No climbing, dangerous! 非机动车 禁止驶入No admittance to non-motor vehicles 有电危险Danger: electricity 请勿逗留Do not stay 水深危险 请勿戏水Deep water, No play in water危险 请勿靠近Danger, keep a safe distance 有电危险 请勿靠近Danger: electricity 禁止合闸No switch-on 游客止步Visitors not admitted.禁止攀登No climbing 小心 油漆未干Be care, wet paint 禁止躺卧No lying 小心碰头Mind your step 止步危险Stop! Danger 小心地滑Beware of slippery  科室牌类Department plates消防通道Fire exits 非机动车停放点Non-motor vehicle
parking lot 泊车区   Parking area 销售中心Sales Center 样板间Sample Room 小心台阶  Mind the step 洽谈区Negotiation area 模型展示区Model exhibition area 电子楼书Electronic building album 水吧Drink bar 物业办公室Property Management Office 案场经理室On-site Manager’s Room 财务室Financial Office复印室Copying Room 资料室Material Room 设备室  Equipment Room 储藏室  Storing Room 保洁室 Cleaning Room 财务室Financial Office会议室Conference Room 部门主管Department Supervisor 拆迁部Removal Department策划部Planning Department预算部Budget Department工程部Engineering Department资料室Material Room 行政人事部Administration and Personnel Department资产运营部Assets Operation Department库房Storehouse 配电室Distribution Room 内部审计部Internal Audit Department档案室Archive Room 档案办公室Archive Office 文印室Copying Roomsort out your computer翻译 董事长办公室Board Chairman Office 总经理办公室General Manager Office 副总经理办公室Deputy General Manager Office大会议室Big Conference Room 小会议室Small Conference Room中会议室Medium Conference Room董事长秘书办公室Board Chairman Secretary Office监事会主席办公室Office of Chairman of Board of Supervisors 多功能厅Multi-functioning Hall 宴会厅Feast Hall 管理办公室Management Office 员工就餐区Staff Dini
ng Area 商务包间Business Private Room 入区企业就餐区Corporate dining area (for corporations in the park)充值处Recharging area 饮料区Beverage area 休息区Lounge area 就餐充值区Dining recharging area 暂停交款Stop of payment 取餐处Meal receiving area 请保持安静Keep quiet 就餐区Dining area 等候区Waiting area 包间区Private room area 宴会区Feast area 办公室Office 就餐A区Dining area A 请按序取餐Receive meals in sequence 取餐处Meal receiving area餐具放置处Usensil area 餐具回收处Usensil receiving area 请在此交款Pay here 查询机Inquiry machine 充值机Recharger 暂停交款Stop of payment 强电井Strong electric well 弱电井Weak electric well水泵房Pump Room 监控室Control Room 工具房Tool Room