英语作文 我的人生是一张阅读清单
    My Life is a Reading Listsort of up to造句
    Hi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I love to read books more than anything in the world. Reading is my absolute favorite thing to do!
    When I was really little, like 3 or 4 years old, I couldn't read yet of course. But my mom and dad used to read bedtime stories to me every single night. Those are some of my most treasured memories - snuggling up with my stuffed animals while my parents' soothing voices filled my ears with wonderful tales of adventure, magic, and fun characters.
    I remember the first book I ever read all by myself - it was a little picture book called "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss. After my parents read it to me about a million times, I had the w
hole thing memorized. One day, I just started reading along with the words and realized hey, I can do this! From then on, I was hooked.
    In kindergarten and 1st grade, I devoured every early reader book I could get my hands on. My favorites were the Amelia Bedelia series - I thought it was so hilarious how she always misunderstood things so literally. Like when she was told to draw the curtains and she took out her crayons instead of opening the drapes! What a silly lady.
    Then I moved on to cool book series like The Magic Treehouse, Junie B. Jones, Cam Jansen, and The Boxcar Children. I loved reading about kids going on adventures and solving mysteries. It made me feel brave and excited for all the things I might get to experience when I grew up a little more.
    Around 3rd grade, I started getting really into fantasy book series like Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, Artemis Fowl, and The School for Good and Evil. These books opened up entire new worlds of wizards, Greek gods, criminal masterminds, and magical schools. They showed me that literally anything is possible between the pages of a book.
    Now that I'm in 5th grade, I've been branching out into other genres like historical fiction, realistic fiction, classics, and non-fiction too. Some of my recent favorites have been Number the Stars, One Crazy Summer, Little Women, and these really cool non-fiction books about the rainforest and outer space.
    Reading has taken me on so many incredible journeys already in my young life - from uncovering Egyptian tombs to hanging out with hobbits to soaring on a magic broomstick over the Scottish countryside. I can't even imagine how many other amazing adventures are still waiting for me in the books I haven't read yet!
    That's why I view my whole life as one giant reading list that I'm slowly but surely checking off, one book at a time. Every book I finish means I get to cross another title off the list and move on to the next one. There's always a new world, a new set of characters, and a new story waiting to be discovered.
    Some books on my life reading list I'm really looking forward to are the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pride and Prejudice, The Book Thief, The Hunger Games series, and maybe some
Stephen King novels when I'm a little older and can handle scarier stuff. I definitely want to read all the classics like To Kill a Mockingbird, The Catcher in the Rye, 1984, and Fahrenheit 451 too. And I can't wait to dive into more non-fiction about topics I find fascinating like astronomy, ancient civilizations, and coding.
    Even after I grow up, get a job, maybe get married and have kids of my own someday, I know my life reading list will never truly be complete. There will always be new books being published with new stories to experience. Reading opens up infinite possibilities - it's the ultimate journey that never ends!
    That's why I want to keep reading books forever and ever. To me, finishing one book doesn't mean the end - it means I get to excitedly move on to the next reading adventure on my list! As long as I'm alive, I'll never run out of new books to explore.
    So that's my philosophy - my life is just a never-ending reading list, waiting to be checked off one title at a time. And I can't wait to see where the next book takes me!
    My Life is a Reading List
    Ever since I was a little kid, books have been my favorite thing in the whole wide world. I can still remember the first time my mom read me a story. It was "Goodnight Moon" and I was totally hooked! The pictures were so pretty and the rhythmic words just rolled off her tongue. From that moment on, I was obsessed with books.
    I started out reading easy picture books like "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" and "Where the Wild Things Are." Those were awesome, but before long I graduated to early chapter books. The "Magic Tree House" series was one of my favorites - I loved traveling through time and space with Jack and Annie on their exciting adventures!