    My Big Dream of Going to a University
    Hi there! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I go to Sunnyville Elementary School and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to talk to you about my big dream for the future - going to a university!
    You might think that's a funny dream for a kid my age to have. Most of my friends just want to be YouTubers or professional athletes when they grow up. But I've had this university dream for as long as I can remember.
    I'm not exactly sure why I feel this way, but I just love learning new things. Whenever we start a new unit in school, whether it's multiplication or reading novels or learning about the s
olar system, I get so excited. I devour all the books and materials I can find on the topic until I've learned everything there is to know.
    My parents always laugh and say I was born a little professor. They tease me that I'll end up being a crazy old cat lady professor who lives at the university library. I actually don't mind that idea at all!
    What's So Great About Universities?
    So what is it that makes universities so awesome in my 10-year-old mind? Well, first off, universities are like these massive treasure troves of knowledge. They have millions of books to explore every topic imaginable. And it's not just books - they have high-tech labs, amazing computer facilities, and super smart professors.
    At a university, you can take classes on any subject that interests you. If you want to learn about black holes, ancient civilizations, or how to speak Mandarin Chinese, they've got courses for that. It's a place where you never have to stop being a student and discovering new things.
    I also love how universities aren't just about academics. They have so many fun clubs, sports teams, performances, and activities always happening on campus. I could join anything from the chess club to the a cappella singing group to the Quidditch team! There's no way I'd ever be bored.
    Another cool thing is that universities attract people from all over the world. I could make friends from every single country and learn about their cultures, foods, traditions, and languages. How amazing is that?
    My Dream University
    I have this fantasy of walking across the old, iconic Harvard campus with my backpack of books. I'd sit under the famous centurion trees and read for hours, taking it all in. At night, I'd hang out with my friends at the student lounges and we'd debate over philosophical ideas deep into the night. It sounds perfect!
    Now some people might say Harvard is too hard to get into. That there's like a 5% admis
sion rate and you basically need a perfect GPA, perfect test scores, have found the cure for cancer etc. But a girl can dream, right?reactor then
    If for some reason Harvard doesn't work out (but I'm totally going to give it my best shot!), my second choice would be Oxford University in England. Can you imagine going to school in one of those ancient, gorgeous buildings from the 1500s? I'd feel like a real-life Hermione Granger from Harry Potter studying in the Hogwarts library!
    Either way, getting my bachelor's degree from a world-class university is my ultimate goal. I'm going to study so incredibly hard and be involved in a million extracurriculars. Maybe I'll discover a new theorem or write a prize-winning novel before applying!
    Why Do I Care So Much?
    You're probably wondering why I care so much about this whole university thing at my age. Don't get me wrong, I love being a kid - playing at the park, watching movies, having sleepovers and all that fun stuff. But I also look at adults and see how their lives can get pretty routine and boring if they don't have big dreams.
    Some adults seem to just go through the same motions every single day - work, chores, errands, TV, bed. Repeat. To me, that's like the saddest existence ever! I don't want to be like that when I grow up.
    By getting an amazing university education, I'll constantly be discovering new ideas and opening my mind. I'll have an endlessly interesting career, not just some monotonous job. And I'll be able to give back and make the world a little bit better.