reaction member用英语写一篇给父母的一封信作文初一
    Dear Mom and Dad,
    I hope this letter finds you both well and happy. It's been a while since I last wrote to you, and I have so many things to share!
    First of all, I want to tell you how much I miss you. Even though we're apart, you're always in my thoughts. I cherish the memories we've made together, like the times we went on family picnics or played board games until late at night. Those moments are precious to me.
    School has been keeping me busy, but I'm doing my best to stay focused and work hard. I've made some new friends, and they're really nice. We often hang out during recess and play games together. My favorite subject is still English because I love reading and writing st
ories. Just the other day, we had to write a short story in class, and I wrote about a brave knight who went on an adventure to save a princess from a dragon. My teacher said she really enjoyed my story and even read it out loud to the class!
    I'm also trying to learn new things outside of school. Last week, I joined the school's art club, and we've been learning how to paint with watercolors. It's a bit tricky at first, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I'll make sure to show you my paintings the next time you visit.
    Speaking of visits, I can't wait for summer break! I'm really looking forward to spending more time with you both. Maybe we could go on a family camping trip or visit that new amusement park that just opened up. I've heard they have the most amazing roller coasters!
    I know you're both working hard to provide for our family, and I want you to know how grateful I am for everything you do. You're the best parents anyone could ask for, and I love you both so much.
    Well, I should probably get going now. I have a science project due next week, and I need to start working on it. I'll write to you again soon!
    Your child
    Dear Mom and Dad,
    How are you doing? I hope everything is going well back home. Things here at school have been pretty busy lately with all my classes and activities. I wanted to write and fill you in on what's been going on.
    First off, my classes this semester have been really interesting but also quite challenging. English has been my favorite - we just finished reading the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" which I absolutely loved. The themes about racial injustice and moral courage
were so powerful. In our class discussions, I tried to share my perspective on the important messages of the book. My English teacher Mrs. Roberts really liked my insightful analysis!
    Math class has been the toughest for me though. We're learning algebra now with all those crazy letters and equations. Sometimes I get really confused trying to solve the problems. I've been staying after class to get extra help from my teacher Mr. Patel. He's super nice and always makes time to re-explain anything I'm struggling with. I'm planning to form a study group with some friends to go over the algebra concepts together.
    In science, we've been learning about the periodic table and the properties of different elements. Did you know that diamonds are just crystallized carbon? How cool is that! Our science lab experiments have been my favorite part. Last week, we did an experiment combining vinegar and baking soda to create a little volcano eruption. It was awesome to see the bubbling chemical reaction first-hand.
    For history, we're studying the American Civil War era which has been really interesting but also disturbing learning about the cruelties of slavery. I had to write a big research pape
r on the life of Harriet Tubman which helped me better understand her incredible courage and heroism in risking her life to free enslaved people through the Underground Railroad. I got an A- on the paper!
    In my Spanish class, we've been practicing basic conversational skills. Speaking a new language is hard but I'm trying my best. We have these goofy roleplay activities where we pretend to order food at a restaurant or go shopping. My pronunciation could still use some work though. Our teacher, Señora Gomez, makes it fun with her campy skits and jokes.
    Outside of academics, I've been staying really involved in my school's extracurriculars too. I'm still playing basketball which has been a blast. Our team won our last few games and we're headed to the regional tournament next month. I've been practicing my free throws every day to get ready. I'll let you know how we do!
    I'm also part of the school's environmental club where we've been organizing all kinds of activities to promote sustainability and take care of our planet. A few weeks ago, we did a campus cleanup day where we picked up litter all around the school grounds. It was tough
work but satisfying to see how much trash we were able to clear away. Next month, we're planning a recycling drive to collect bottles, cans, and other recyclables. I'll be sure to remind you about that.
