专题04 阅读理解CD篇+完形填空+语法填空
(时间:40分钟 满分:46分)
第一节 (共8小题;每小题2分,满分16分)
(2022·山西·一模)A set of tusks (象牙) is usually an advantage for elephants, allowing them to dig for water, peel bark for food and defend themselves. But during episodes of intense ivory poaching, those big tusks may invite danger. Now researchers have figured out how years of civil war and poaching in Mozambique have led to a greater number of elephants that will never develop tusks.
During the conflict from 1977 to 1992, fighters on both sides killed elephants for ivory to finance war efforts. In the region, around 90% of the elephants were killed. The survivors wer
e likely to share a key characteristic: half the females were naturally tuskless - they simply never developed tusks - while before the war, less than a fifth lacked tusks.
After the war, those tuskless surviving females passed on their genes with expected,as well as surprising, results. About half their daughters were tuskless. More confusing, two-thirds of their offspring (后代) were female. “The years of unrest changed the evolution in that population,” said evolutionary biologist Shane Staton.
Most people think of evolution as something that proceeds slowly, but humans can hit the accelerator. “When we think about natural selection,we think about it happening over hundreds, or thousands of years,” said Samuel Wasser, a conservation biologist at the University of Washington. “The fact that this dramatic selection for tusklessness happened over 15 years is one of the most astonishing findings.”
Now the scientists are studying what more tuskless elephants means for the species and its environment. “If an elephant doesn’t have the tool to peel bark from trees, then what chain reaction will happen?”
1.What have researchers found out according to paragraph 1?
A.The function of tusks.    B.The influence ofeivil war.
C.The fight against ivory poaching.    D.Reasons for naturally tuskless elephants.
2.What do paragraph 2 and 3 tell us about the elephants?
A.Their pricey tusks.    B.Their evolution process.
C.Their endangered conditions.    D.Their sufferings during the war.
3.What surprised Samuel about the findings?
A.The rapid speed of evolution.    B.Elephants’ gender imbalance.
reaction toolC.Elephants’ population reduction.    D.The diversity of natural selection.
4.Which might be one of the results of the chain reaction?
A.Elephants will die out soon.    B.Elephants will shift their diet.
C.Elephants will suffer from starvation.  D.Elephants will be replaced by other species.
(2022·山西·一模)It’s a connected world, and nearly every device, appliance, and machine with some sort of computer running inside it can be connected to others through the Internet of Things (IoT). What a great leap forward in this journey we call human civilization! But does this recent advancement come with a dark secret that can someday turn on us? Are smart devices spies around us?
Many smart appliances today, particularly smartphones and virtual assistants are equipped with voice command capabilities. They can, therefore, listen to and record your comments and conversations even after they’ve carried out your original command. Concerns about devices turning on voice command by themselves and listening even when you do not enable the feature have also been raised. The question then is: What actually happens when your smart device is listening? How much information gets recorded, and where does this eventually end up in?
Take a listening app called “Alphonso” as an example. You can’t download it directly from the App Store, but it comes with some games and apps that you can fix. While you are playing games on your smartphone, Alphonso comes to life and listens to what you are watching on TV. It then records this information and sends it to some server somewhere, and the data is analyzed to build a profile about your TV-viewing habits. Alphonso proves that devices can listen to what you say and do.
Alphonso proves that devices can listen to what you say and do. Now, what’s to stop devices from gathering other data? They can be made to look at chat and text messages or your calendar, for example, everything about you would be fair game. Some popular smart home platforms can control the platforms to fall silent but still remain active, capturing every word you speak that can potentially land you in some sort of phishing (网络欺诈) trouble. This seems to be the price we have to pay for the convenience that technology gives us. Privacy seems non-existent. So we should thus take steps to protect ourselves from this eventuality.
5.What can we infer about IoT mentioned in paragraph 1?
A.People rely too much on IoT.    B.IoT spies are exactly among us.
C.IoT can be a double-edged sword.    D.IoT merely comes with a dark secret.
