Virtual reality (VR for short) is a new and high technology in recent years, also known as artificial environment. Virtual reality is the use of computer simulation to create a three-dimensional virtual world.
react to the recentIn a holiday, my mother took me to 360 Business, where there was a VR experience hall. At my request, my mother bought a ticket and let me play there for more than an hour. From then on, I fell in love with VR. I like its virtual pictures, which can give people the feeling of reproducing the scene in real life. In the future, AS long as conditions allow, I will go to VR experience hall to play. After returning home, I baidu VR software related materials, have a further understanding of VR software knowledge. VR software can not only be used for games, it can also be used in life, education, military, scientific research, architecture, cars and other aspects.
If the school learns fire drill again in the future, students can wear VR eyes, so that we will have the feeling of escaping in a real fire. When the teacher talks about a certain scene in class, we will put on VR eyes and enter the immersive scene with the teacher's narration to d
eepen our learning impression. This VR software technology simulation and interactive features can present abstract and difficult knowledge in a more vivid, intuitive and comprehensive way, and enhance students' sense of immersion with immersive experience. Let students out of the boring cramming style of learning, stimulate students' interest in learning and exploration. I look forward to more applications of VR software in education.
I love VR!