"Take place" 是一个常用的英语短语,用来指事件或活动发生或举行的地点或时间。下面是一些关于"take place" 用法的例句和解释,帮助你更好地理解这个短语。
1. The meeting will take place in the conference room at 10 am tomorrow.
2. The accident took place on the highway during rush hour.
3. The graduation ceremony will take place in the school auditorium.
4. The event was canceled due to unforeseen circumstances and will no longer take place.
5. The wedding will take place in a beautiful garden overlooking the ocean.
6. The festival takes place annually in the month of June.
7. The protest took place peacefully with no incidents reported.
8. The negotiations between the two countries took place in a neutral location.
reported9. The party is scheduled to take place in the backyard of my friend's house.
10. The conference will take place over the course of three days.
"Take place" 这个短语可以用于各种场合,包括会议、典礼、活动、事故、谈判等等。它通常与特定的地点或时间相关联,用来描述事件或活动的具体发生情况。注意,"take place" 是一个不及物动词短语,因此它不需要宾语。