1.confrontation: a fight or an argument对抗,冲突;争执
2.sneak: to do or take sth. secretly偷偷摸摸做某事或拿某物
3.grant: to agree同意,承认;给予
4.testimony: a formal statement that sth. is true, esp. one that is made in a court of law证词
5.turnout: 避车道,岔道
6.hazy: uncertain, not expressing things clearly不肯定的,说不清的;not clear, esp. because of heat朦胧的
7.riddle: make many holes in, esp. with gunshot把…打出许多窟窿;fill, spread through弥漫;谜语
8.caliber: 口径,直径;能力,才干deductible
9.coincidence: two or more similar things happening at the same time by chance巧合
10.revolver: a type of small gun with a container for bullets that turns round
11.submit: 【法律】认为,建议;屈服;提交
12.condone: to accept or agree with sth. that most people think is wrong容忍,宽恕
13.remorseless: showing no pity无情的;无怜悯之心的
14.vest: bestow or confer (powers, authority, etc.) on (a person)(尤用被动)授予,赋予,给予
15.rehabilitate: to help sb. to live a normal life again after an illness, being in prison, etc.使(病愈、出狱等后)重过正常生活;使康复
16.reject: to refuse to accept sb. or sth.拒绝接受;否决
17.reefer: slang a marijuana cigarette【俚语】卷
18.smuggle: to import or export illegally走私,偷运
20.chubby: fat in a pleasant way(逗人喜爱地)胖乎乎的
21.warden: the person in charge of a prison狱长,典狱长
22.felon: a person who commits a serious crime such as murder重罪犯,重刑犯
23.convict: to say officially in a court of law that sb. is guilty of a crime定罪,宣判…有罪
24.blasphemy: writing or speaking about God in a way that shows a lack of respect亵渎,不敬blaspheme
25.delouse: rid of lice驱除虱子
26.infirmary: a hospital医院
27.lethal: that can cause death or great damage致命的;破坏性的
28.miniature: a small copy of sth. which is much larger微笑模型;小型的
29.quartz: a type of hard rock that is used in making very accurate clocks or watches石英
30.mark-up: the amount added to the cost price of goods to cover overhead charges, profit, etc.加价
31.sweepstake: a form of gambling on horse races etc. in which all competitor’s stakes are paid to the winners赌金全赢制比赛;a prize奖
32.pester: to annoy sb. for example by asking sth. many times缠着某人(要某物)
33.magnanimous: kind, generous and forgiving, esp. towards an enemy or a competitor that you have beaten 宽宏大量的,慷慨的,高尚的
34.hunker: crouch with the haunches nearly touching the heels蹲伏
35.canary: a small yellow bird that sings and is often kept in a cage as a pet金丝雀
36.petrify: become like stone石化;paralyse with fear把…吓呆
37.hitch: a small problem or difficulty小问题或困难
38.rapture: a feeling of extreme happiness狂喜
39.shipment: a quantity of goods that are sent from one place to another运载的一批货物;运载
40.contraband: goods that are taken into or out of a country illegally走私货,违禁品
41.salvation: being saved from danger救赎,拯救
42.clipboard: a small board with a part that holds papers at the top, used by sb. who wants to write while standing or moving around(顶部带弹簧夹的)写字板
43.tenure: a legal right to hold a job for a certain time(职务的)任期
44.immutable: unchangeable不可改变的,永恒不变的
45.intramural: taking place within a single institution发生在单位内部的
46.deductible: that may be deducted, esp. from tax to be paid or taxable income可扣除的,可减免的
47.parole: the permission that is given to a prisoner to leave prison early on the condition that s/he behaves well假释
48.institutionalized: (of a prisoner, a long-term patient, etc.) made dependent after a long period in an institution. 体制化了的
49.arthritis: a disease which causes swelling and pain in the joints of one’s body关节炎
50.allocate: to give sth. to sb. as his/her share or to decide to use sth. for a particular purpose分配,分派
51.sundries: items not mentioned individually杂物
52.stunt: sth. that you do to get people’s attention意在引人注目的举动,噱头;a very difficult or dangerous thing that sb. does to entertain people or as part of a film特技表演
53.appropriation: devoting (money, etc.) to special purposes拨款;挪用
54.institute: to introduce a system, policy, etc. or start a process 开展,推行
55.inmate: one of the people living in an institution such as a prison(监牢等的)被收容者
56.underbid: to make a lower bid than出价低于
57.scam: a trick or swindle诡计;欺诈
58.kickback: money paid illegally to sb. to influence that person’s decision about what s/he or a company will buy(非法)回扣
59.apparition: a ghost or an image of a person who is dead鬼,幻影
60.phantom: a ghost幽灵
61.conjure: cause to appear or disappear as if by magic使(魔法似地)出现或消失
62.figment: a thing invented or existing only in the imagination虚构的事物,想象中的事物
63.furlough: leave of absence, esp. granted to a member of the services or to a missionary休假
64.woe: great unhappiness痛苦,悲伤
65.obtuse: slow to understand愚钝的,理解慢的
66.indictable: rendering the person who commits it liable to be charged with a crime可能招致起诉的