Editor: Angela Lee/MXIC Test Div.(OG100) Data source: James B. De Lange/B.E.S.T
(Business English Service & Training Co., Ltd.)
Date: November 28, 2001
Lecture on How to Write Professional Email
⍓Follow-up Emails
What is a Good Business Email?
A good business email is one that can clearly & effectively deliver your intention,meaning,background/or reason.
永遠牢記商業書信可不是在寫情書, 應明確的點明你的來意. 客套話能省即省. Why are good business writing skills important?
1.Customers see your writing more than they see you.
2.Good writing skills show that you really care.
3.Good writing skills contribute more forcefully to
4.Good writing skills reduce risk of losing a customer or damaging
英语邮件怎么称呼editora customer relationship,and foster good relationships with
許多遠地的客戶雖然通了無數的Email,但彼此可能未曾謀面. 因此一份合宜的商業書信不但可幫助你建立正面形象,也可以避免因語言隔闔造成爭端而傷及與客戶間的友好關係.
BUSINESS EMAIL : REQUESTS Requests: A request is a message asking the receiver to do
1. Focus immediately on the information you need.Make your call for
action(the main idea)at or near the opening of the email.
2. Tell why you need the information if the reason is not obvious.
3. Emphasize due dates.Phrases such as :at your earliest convenience”
or “as soon as possible” seem polite, but they make it easy for the
reader to delay answering; if you have a due date in mind, say so. For
special emphasis put the due date in a paragraph by itself.
4. Supply any further information, contact names and numbers, or forms
so the reader can respond quickly and easily.
重點放在你希望對方配合的事項上. 尤其應該強調你希望對方回覆的截止期限. 類似像at your
earliest convenience 或as soon as possible這類較客套的句子,反而容易因目標不明確而增加對方
要提供明確的資訊讓對方知道如何回覆.如please give me a call …,如果只用contact me (注意!不
加with..在台灣常見有人喜歡用contact with me)似乎不夠具體.應說明方式email,fax,….等.
Dear James,
Thanks for your preparation and time on this project.
I’ve attached (or Attached please find ) the process flow charts you requested.
As to the exact implementation date, Elaine will coordinate with the supervisors involved and let you know by December 7.
Since this training is not in our original approved budget,I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some cost information. Thanks you very much.
Best regards,
如果要向對方make a request , 聰明的用法就是使用
I would appreciate it if you could ….( do something).