1. 面条 Noodles
2. 披萨 Pizza
3. 汉堡 hamburger
4. 炸鸡 fried chicken
5. 牛排 steak
6. 意大利面 pasta
7. 热狗 hot dog
8. 蛋糕 cake
9. 冰淇淋 ice cream
10. 披萨饼 pizza pie
11. 烤鸭 roast duck
12. 寿司 sushi
13. 沙拉 salad
14. 汤 soup
15. 面包 bread
16. 米饭 rice
17. 薯条 french fries
18. 三明治 sandwich
19. 肉夹馍 rou jia mo
20. 蛋挞 egg tart
21. 奶酪 cheese
22. 烤肉 barbeque
23. 墨西哥玉米饼 tacos
24. 春卷 spring rolls
25. 糖醋排骨 sweet and sour spare ribs
26. 红烧肉 braised pork
27. 回锅肉 stir-fried pork with green peppers
28. 宫保鸡丁 kung pao chicken
29. 麻婆豆腐 mapo tofu
30. 鱼香肉丝 fish-flavored shredded pork
31. 北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck
32. 糖醋里脊 sweet and sour pork
pizza33. 水煮鱼 boiled fish
34. 酸菜鱼 pickled fish
35. 剁椒鱼头 steamed fish head with chopped peppers
36. 干煸豆角 stir-fried string beans
37. 油焖大虾 braised prawns
38. 蒜蓉西兰花 stir-fried broccoli with garlic
39. 地三鲜 stir-fried potato, green pepper and eggplant
40. 西红柿炒鸡蛋 stir-fried tomato and egg
41. 蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg
42. 糖醋鱼 sweet and sour fish
43. 清蒸鲈鱼 steamed bass
44. 香辣蟹 spicy crab
45. 麻辣火锅 spicy hot pot
46. 羊肉串 mutton skewers
47. 烤鸭脖 roast duck neck
48. 烤鸡翅 roast chicken wings
49. 烤玉米 roast corn
50. 爆米花 popcorn
51. 巧克力 chocolate
52. 糖果 candy
53. 甜甜圈 donut
54. 冰淇淋蛋糕 ice cream cake
55. 蛋挞 egg tart
56. 派 pie
57. 果冻 jelly
58. 牛轧糖 nougat
59. 巧克力棒 chocolate bar
60. 曲奇 cookie
61. 奶昔 milkshake
62. 双皮奶 double skin milk
63. 松饼 muffin
64. 布朗尼 brownie
65. 可丽饼 crepe
66. 燕麦片 oatmeal
67. 麦片粥 porridge
68. 咖啡 coffee
69. 茶 tea
70. 柠檬水 lemonade
71. 果汁 juice
72. 牛奶 milk
73. 酸奶 yogurt
74. 可乐 cola
75. 雪碧 Sprite
76. 啤酒 beer
77. 红酒 red wine
78. 白酒 white wine
79. 伏特加 vodka
80. 威士忌 whiskey
81. 白兰地 brandy
82. 龙舌兰 tequila
83. 鸡尾酒 cocktail
84. 披萨酱 pizza sauce
85. 番茄酱 tomato sauce
86. 芥末 mustard
87. 醋 vinegar
88. 酱油 soy sauce