高中英语 新人教版 必修一Unit4 Natural Disasters 教案
Step 4 Group nIn groups。discuss the以下这个环节可以让学生通过
share your answers.能力和团队合作能力。
Step 5 Listening for the2nd and 3rd timeNow listen to the news再次听力,让学生能够更加熟
the correct answers to题中的关键词。
Step 6 Follow-up activityIn pairs。XXX通过角扮演,让学生更好地
play based on one of the理解和运用所学的语言知识。
2.Develop students' XXX and effects of natural disasters.
Step 1 Warm-up
1.Show students some pictures of natural disasters and ask them to name the types of disasters they see.
2.Ask students if they have ever experienced a natural disaster or know someone who has。How did they feel。What did they do?
Step 2 Skimming
1.Ask students to read the XXX.
2.Check their answers and ask them to share what they think the passage is about based on the topic XXX.
Step 3 Searching
1.Ask students to read the passage again and XXX.
2.Discuss as a class what the causes and effects are and how they are related.
Step 4 Critical Thinking
1.Ask students to think about what could have been done to XXX.
2.Discuss as a class and brainstorm XXX.
Step 5 XXX
1.Ask students to imagine they are living in a place prone to natural disasters。What would
they do to prepare for and respond to a disaster?
2.Discuss as a class and encourage students to think about how they can help others who may be XXX.
Step 6 Homework
1.Ask students to write a short paragraph about what they learned from the reading and n today.
2.Encourage them to think about how they can apply what they learned to their own XXX.
that XXX 1976.event是什么词性
2.Introduce the passage “The Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep” and activate students’ background knowledge.
3.Show a short clip of a movie about the XXX.
Step 2 Activity 2
Skimming the passage
T: Now。let’s take a quick look at the passage and try to find out the main XXX skim the passage and fill in the blanks on the handout.
1.Ask students to skim the passage and fill in the XXX.
Step 3 Activity 3
Scanning the passage
T: Great job。Now。let’s scan the passage and find out the answers to the following ns.
1.What were the XXX XXX?
2.How much damage did the earthquake cause?
3.How did people rescue and reconstruct after the XXX?
1.Ask students to XXX.
2.Guide students to find relevant n in the passage.
Step 4 Activity 4
Summarizing the passage
T: After reading and scanning the passage。we have a better XXX summarize the main points of the passage in your own words?