初级-Day-to-day work 日常工作
一、{{B}}Talking about your work{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
1.Listen to Ana Campos talking about her working hours. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. She startswork at 7.30.
2. She finishes work at 4.00.
3. She has lunch at 12.00.
4. She has one hour for lunch.
5. She works a 40-hour week.
6. She doesn't work on Friday afternoon.

正确答案:(1. F She usually starts work at 8.30. 2. F She finishes between 5 and 6. 3. T 4F She has three quarters of an hour for lunch. 5. T 6. T)
解析:[解析] 1-6 INTERVIEWER: Ana, can you tell me something about the working hours in your company? ANA: Well, we have flexitime. I have to be in the office by half past eight and I can leave any time after three thirty. I'm not really a morning person, so I'm lucky ifI get in on time. I usually start work about eight thirty and then leave the office some time between five and six. INTERVIEWER: And when do you go to lunch? ANA: Well, the lunch break is between twelve and two. But I hardly ever have time for breakfast before I go to work, so I get very hungry. I usually try to go to lunch at twelve o'clock. INTERVIEWER: And how long do you have for lunch? ANA: Three quarters of an hour. INTERVIEWER: How long is your working week? ANA: 40 hours, unfortunately. But I always work more hours from Monday to Thursday so I can take Friday afternoon off.
2.Put the words in the box under the correct headings.
nine o'clock Monday July 12.30
1 May the morning lunchtime summer
Friday noon Tuesday morning 2001
at on in
nine o'clock Monday July
______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______
Now complete these sentences with the correct prepositions.
1. We startwork ______ 8.30 and finish ______ 4.00.
2. What time do you finish work ______ Friday afternoon?
3. Do you have a break ______ the afternoon?
4. The next meeting is ______ 3 April.
5. She started worldng here ______ 1999.
正确答案:(at: 12.30,1unchtime, noon on: 1 May, Friday, Tuesday morning in: the morning, summer, 2001 1. at/at 2. on 3. in 4. on 5. in)
Look at these graphs and use the information to complete the paragraphs.

The formal working week is 40 hours, but the average Swede clocks up only {{U}} {{U}} 1 {{/U}} {{/U}}. On a typical day, one in every four workers is not in the office or factory. Of this 25%, less than half are sick. The others are looking after children, on study leave or on holiday. Swedish workers have {{U}} {{U}} 2 {{/U}} {{/U}}days' holiday a year.
The average Japanese worker spends {{U}} {{U}} 3 {{/U}} {{/U}}hours a week, or 2,100 hours per year, at the office or factory. Only 30% work a five-day week. The Japanese have {{U}} {{U}} 4 {{/U}} {{/U}}days' paid holiday, but many workers take only half of that.(分数:4.00)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:37)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:28)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:47)
填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:15)
五、{{B}}Describing routines{{/B}}(总题数:0,分数:0.00)
3.Complete these questions with do or doesand one of the verbs in the box.
have start leave have do get
1. How {{U}}do{{/U}} you {{U}}get{{/U}} to work?
2. What time ______ yourboss ______ work?
3. Where ______ you ______ lunch?
4. How long ______ you ______ for lunch?
5. When ______ your boss ______ the office?
6. What ______ you ______ in the evenings?

Now match the:questions to these answers like this:
a An hour {{U}}4{{/U}}
b By train ______
c At nine o'clock ______
d In the canteen ______
e I read the paper or watch television ______
f I don'tknow ______
正确答案:(2. does/start 3. do/have 4. do/have 5. does/leave 6. do/do b1 c2 d3 e6 f5)
七、Language in use(总题数:1,分数:6.00)
Put these words in the correct order to make sentences.(分数:6.00)
(1).watch / we / television / in the evenings / never ______(分数:1.00)
正确答案:(We never watch television in the evenings.)
(2).to work / hardly ever / the train / takes / she ______(分数:1.00)
正确答案:(She hardly ever takes the train to work.)
(3).a month / on business / I / three times / travel ______(分数:1.00)
正确答案:(I travel on business three times a month.)
(4).goes / usually / swimming / he / after work ______(分数:1.00)
正确答案:(He usually goes swimming after work.)