光天化日 in broad daylight
百依百顺 give sb. whatever he/she asks for
受益匪浅benefit a lot
有朝一日one day
因人而异vary from person to person
大相径庭differ =turn out to be totally different from...
错失良机sth. cost sb. a good opportunity
喋喋不休never stop talking
树大招风The bigger the tree is, the more wind it will catch.
举棋不定cannot make a decision
寥寥无几there be still few
足不出户without leaving one`s home
人云亦云repeat what others say without having one`s own idea
微不足道be not worth mentioning
无依无靠have no one to depend on
助人为乐be ready to help others anytime
相依为命depend on each other
理所当然take it for granted to do sth.
欣喜若狂be wild with joyrelieved是什么意思
不遗余力spare no effort to do sth.
素不相识the person sb. doesn’t know at all
置之不理take no notice of
自力更生live on one`s own
无济于事it won’t work=It is no use explaining
莫名其妙for no reason
一见钟情all in love with sb. at the first sight
不知所措at a loss
各抒己见voice one`s different opinions
老少咸宜appeal to everyone, whether old or young
不负众望come up to the expectations by
强人所难force sb.
不谋而合both happen to agree with each other on...
一意孤行persist to go one`s own way
不堪设想be beyond imagination
若无其事pretend as if nothing  happened
如释重负make people relieved
不得而知remain unknown
有待改进remain to be improved
重蹈覆辙repeat the mistake
忠言逆耳,良药苦口Truth sounds unpleasant just as good medicine tastes bitter.
迫不及待cannot wait to
慷慨解囊one`s generosity
口是心非say one thing but mean another
忍俊不禁can’t help laughing at
骄兵必败a person with pride is sure to lose
装聋作哑pretend to be ignorant of sth.
初来乍到be new here
水土不服not accustomed
密不可分be closely related to sth.
三头六臂are capable of everything
如痴如醉on the edge of his seat
文化底蕴profound culture
默默无闻be unknown to the public
出人意料 no one has anticipated
崭露头角explode into a prominence
得寸进尺is given an inch and will take a mile
听天由命leave to chance
油然而生set in
家喻户晓become a household name
东山再起make a comeback
掉以轻心be relief
放下包袱put the past behind you
区区小事such a trivial matter
大动肝火lose one`s temper