Bengbu, located in Anhui province, is a city with rich cultural traditions and unique customs. Let me introduce some of the customs in Bengbu.
One of the most famous customs in Bengbu is the Dragon Boat Festival. Every year on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, people in Bengbu celebrate this festival by racing dragon boats on the river. This tradition originated from the legend of Qu Yuan, a famous poet from ancient China. During the festival, people also eat sticky rice dumplings called zongzi and hang up pouches filled with herbs to ward off evil spirits.
Another interesting custom in Bengbu is the folk art of paper-cutting. Bengbu is known for its intricate and delicate paper-cutting designs. People in Bengbu use special scissors to cut out beautiful patterns on red paper, which are then used to decorate windows, doors, and walls during festivals and celebrations. It is believed that these paper-cuttings bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.
In addition, Bengbu is also famous for its traditional opera, known as Huaiju. Huaiju opera is a popular form of entertainment in Bengbu, with its unique singing style, elaborate costumes, and dramatic performances. It has a history of over 200 years and is considered an intangible cultural heritage of China.
Overall, the customs in Bengbu reflect the rich cultural heritage of the city. From the Dragon Boat Festival to paper-cutting and traditional opera, these customs not only showcase the unique traditions of Bengbu, but also provide a glimpse into the history and culture of Anhui province.