Four million years ago, the car and the decepticons in cybertron's war has lasted for a long time, the planet resources have dried up, the autobots led by optimus prime boarded a giant battleship ark to the universe in search of new energy, decepticon leader megatron led his men by karma battleship pursuit. Fighting over the old earth, the decepticons landed the ark, and the autobots on the battleship battle. The spacecraft out of control and crashed into the earth, all transformers to terminate the activity
In the early 19th century     e the Arctic Circle, Archibald Witwicky captain (Witwicky family ancestors) during a disaster with huge chunks of ice fall into the deep, falls to the buried beneath the ice on a robot hands. The captain woke up and found that the robot's eyes are staring at him. And the robot is a long time ago leave electronic star, to find (All Spark) scion earth Megatron .
Megatron will reveal the whereabouts of the scion map to burn on the captain's glasses. Glasses as the captain of the relic generation to spread to Sam (Shia LaBeout) hands.
现代社会    个美国空军基地遭到了狂派战士眩晕(Blackout)的袭击,他将这个基地完全毁掉,而且还从一台计算机里获得了大量信息。此外,眩晕还释放了巨蝎怪\萨克巨人(Scorponok)去追杀幸存的Lennox上尉和他的特别行动小队。Lennox上尉与五角大楼取得了联系,美国军方派遣两架A-10和一架AC-130攻击机暂时打退了狂派的小规模进攻。
萨姆·维特维奇(Sam Witwicky)从汽车代理商手里买到了他的第一辆车,而这辆车恰恰是博派的大黄蜂。大黄蜂帮助萨姆赢得了Mikaela的芳心。博派前来寻Archibald老船长的眼镜,他们被迫躲藏在萨姆家的后院,因为凶恶的第七区(Sector 7relic)的特工突然闯进了萨姆的家……
擎天柱Optimus Prime: the leader of the autobots, many years ago, he was royal predators selected to become the new leader, his humble accepted, from now on by the plug Bert grace on an ordinary working-class robots become the architect of the universe's most powerful love - the leader of the people of the car, when he led his men ready for battle, always said that the famous linesAutobots, transform and Roll out!
大黄蜂BUMBLEBEE是随着飞船来到地球的汽车人之一,参加了多场战斗,是汽车人的一名优秀侦察员。在电影版中,他是主人公男孩萨姆(Sam Witwicky)的第一辆车——通用雪佛兰Camaro(这辆车的真车在中国出现,由上海网友拍到,看来在中国买到大黄蜂也不是梦想了)。在汽车人大家族里,大黄蜂个头算小的,被其它同伴当作小弟弟,但他执行危
威震天Megatron: the grim decepticon leadership, the villain, "transformers" series can be formed planes, tanks, but after deformation is usually a gun. On the plug Herbert grace, led by megatron decepticons and led by optimus prime autobots launched a civil war, the war had spent most of the energy on the planet, both sides began to travel to other planets find energy. During, megatron to track and led his army attacked the car of the ark, the result caused two sent spacecraft to fall on the prehistoric earth. A volcanic eruption in 1984 aroused "imaging, computer, megatron and the decepticons on ark robot repair one by one.
爵士Jazz): 他一直都是最受欢迎的汽车人角之一,他的人生信条是“如果做事没有自己的风格,那就别做”。他非常酷、很有个性、非常能干、勇敢而聪明。他有着接近完美的记忆力,这使他成为战场上不可多得的记录者。由于他采用了核子融和动力的引擎,所以当他变形后能达到接近光速的速度。
冷静的头脑使爵士总是担当起特殊任务的领导, 他总是把最危险的任务留给自己。此外,爵士适应各种环境的能力也很强,他来到地球后努力适应这里的文化,吸收和改进,做出一些
力捷RATCHET:Served as the "doctor" among the car, this is an ambulance, but changed to general in the movie "Hummer H2"  and rescue vehicle, a broader role than before. Although "saving" is his work, but he also didn't to combat, his courage and loyalty stand the test of time.