python 使⽤api
How can we set up a way to communicate from one software instance to another? It sounds simple, and — to be completely honest — it is.
^ h我们流可以设置⽅式,从⼀个软件实例传达给别⼈呢? 听起来很简单,⽽且-坦⽩地说-确实如此。
All we need is an API.
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a simple interface that defines the types of requests (demands/questions, etc.) that can be made, how they are made, and how they are processed.
In our case, we will be building an API that allows us to send a range of GET/POST/PUT/PATCH/DELE
TE requests (more on this later), to different endpoints, and return or modify data connected to our API.
在我们的案例中,我们将构建⼀个API,该API允许我们向不同的端点发送⼀系列GET / POST / PUT / PATCH / DELETE请求(稍后会详细介绍),并返回或修改连接到我们API的数据。
We will be using the Flask framework to create our API and Postman to test it. In short, we will cover:
我们将使⽤Flask框架创建我们的API,并使⽤Postman对其进⾏测试。 简⽽⾔之,我们将介绍:
> Setup
- Our Toy Data
- Initialize a Flask API
- Endpoints
- Running a Local Server> Writing Our API
- 401 Unauthorized
- Users Class (summary)> That's It!
建⽴ (Setup)
Our API will contain two endpoints, users and locations. The former will allow access to our registered user's details, whereas the latter will include a list of cafe locations.
我们的API将包含两个终结点, users和locations 。 前者将允许访问我们注册⽤户的详细信息,⽽后者将包括咖啡馆位置列表。
The hypothetical use-case here is of a multi-million cafe bookmarking app, where users open the app and bookmark their favorite cafe’s — like Google Maps, but not useful.
此处假设的⽤例是数百万个咖啡馆的书签应⽤程序,⽤户可以在其中打开该应⽤程序并为⾃⼰喜欢的咖啡馆添加书签,例如Google Maps,但没有⽤。
我们的玩具数据 (Our Toy Data)
For the sake of simplicity, we are going to store this data in two local CSV files. In reality, you probably want to take a look at something like MongoDB or Google Firebase.
为了简单起见,我们将把这些数据存储在两个本地CSV⽂件中。 实际上,您可能想看看MongoDB或Google Firebase之类的东西。
Our CSV files look like this:
. Image by Author. ⽤户数据。 图⽚由作者提供。
. Image by Author. 。 图⽚由作者提供。
You can download , and .
您可以下载下载 。
初始化Flask API (Initialize a Flask API)
Now to our Python script, we need to import modules and initialize our API, like so:
from flask import Flask
from flask_restful import Resource, Api, reqparse
import pandas as pdpython新手代码userid
import astapp = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
终点 (Endpoints)
As we already touched on, our API will have two endpoints, users and locations.
正如我们已经谈到的那样,我们的API将具有两个端点, users和locations 。
The result of this is — if our API was located at www.api, communication with the Users class would be provided at www.api/users and Locations at
这样做的结果是-如果我们的API是位于www.api ,与通信Users类将在提供www.api /users和Locations在
To create an endpoint, we define a Python class (with any name you want) and connect it to our desi
red endpoint with api.add_resource, like this:
class Users(Resource):
# methods go here
api.add_resource(Users, '/users')  # '/users' is our entry point
Flask needs to know that this class is an endpoint for our API, and so we pass Resource in with the class definition.
Inside the class, we include our HTTP methods (GET, POST, DELETE, etc.).
Finally, we link our Users class with the /users endpoint using api.add_resource.
最后,我们使⽤api.add_resource将Users类与/users端点api.add_resource 。
Because we want two endpoints, we replicate the logic:
class Users(Resource):
# methods go here
class Locations(Resource):
# methods go here
api.add_resource(Users, '/users')  # '/users' is our entry point for Users
api.add_resource(Locations, '/locations')  # and '/locations' is our entry point for Locations
运⾏本地服务器 (Running a Local Server)
Finally, when we write out our API, we need to test it!
To do this, we need to host our API, which we can do locally by adding to the end of our script like this:
if __name__ == '__main__':  # run our Flask app
Now, when we run our script, we should see something like this:
Initialization of our localhost server. Image by Author.
初始化我们的本地主机服务器。 图⽚由作者提供。
Once our server is setup, we can test our API as we build it using Postman, if you haven’t used it before it is the de-facto standard for API testing. And, don’t worry — it’s incredibly simple to use — download Postman from .
设置好服务器后,如果您在使⽤Postman构建API的事实上的标准之前还没有使⽤过它,就可以对其进⾏测试。 ⽽且,不⽤担⼼-使⽤起来⾮常简单-从下载Postman。
Before going ahead, you can find the full script that we will be building . If you’re not sure where a code snippet should go, check there!
在继续之前,您可以到我们将在构建的完整脚本。 如果不确定代码⽚段应该放在哪⾥,请检查那⾥!
编写API⽅法 (Writing API Methods)
Inside each of our classes, we keep our HTTP methods, GET, POST, and DELETE.
To create a GET method, we use def get(self). POST and DELETE follow the same pattern.
要创建GET⽅法,我们使⽤def get(self) 。 POST和DELETE遵循相同的模式。
得到 (GET)
The GET method is the simplest. We return all data stored in users.csv wrapped inside a dictionary, like so:
GET⽅法是最简单的。 我们返回存储在字典中的users.csv存储的所有数据,如下所⽰:
class Users(Resources):
def get(self):
data = pd.read_csv('users.csv')  # read CSV
data = _dict()  # convert dataframe to dictionary
return {'data': data}, 200  # return data and 200 OK code
We can then run the script to initialize our API, open Postman and send a GET request to our localhost address (typically )—this is our API entry point.
然后,我们可以运⾏脚本来初始化我们的API,打开Postman并将GET请求发送到我们的本地主机地址(通常为 ),这是我们的API ⼊⼝点。
How to send a GET request to our API. Image by Author.
如何将GET请求发送到我们的API。 图⽚由作者提供。
To send a GET request to our API in Postman we:
1. Select GET from the dropdown
2. Type the entry point of our API instance + /users (the endpoint)
输⼊我们的API实例+ /users的⼊⼝点( 端点 )
3. Hit Send
4. Check the status code returned by our API (we should see 200 OK)
检查我们的API返回的状态码(我们应该看到200 OK )
5. View our API’s response, which is users.csv in JSON (like a dictionary) format
查看我们的API响应,即JSON (如字典)格式的users.csv
开机⾃检 (POST)
The POST method allows us to add records to our data. In this case, we will take arguments for usedId, name, and city.
POST⽅法允许我们将记录添加到数据中。 在这种情况下,我们将使⽤usedId , name和city 。
These arguments are passed to our API endpoint as URL parameters, which look like this:
Rock&city=Los Angeles
We can specify the required parameters, and then parse the values provided using reqparse — like this:
parser = reqparse.RequestParser()  # initialize
parser.add_argument('userId', required=True)  # add arguments
parser.add_argument('name', required=True)
parser.add_argument('city', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()  # parse arguments to dictionary
Let’s break our parser code down:
We initialize our parser with .RequestParser().
Add our arguments with .add_argument([arg_name], required) — note that required=True means that the argument is required in the request. Alternatively, we can add optional arguments with required=False.
使⽤.add_argument([arg_name], required)添加参数—请注意, required=True表⽰请求中的参数是必需的。 另外,我们可以添加带有required=False可选参数。