Unit five中英文对照翻译
Text A
Yes, We Can Support Mother Earth
1 Turning off the lights for an hour on March 26 is just a step to recognize that mother earth needs our help. Together we can protect earth’s precious resources by conserving developing, and spreading the word. How can you conserve this year?
在  3 月26 日熄灯一小时只是我们认识到地球母亲需要我们帮助的一步。我们可以通过节约、开发、宣传这一信息来共同保护地球珍贵的资源。熄灯一小时就是你对地球母亲的支持。除了熄灯,你今年还能怎样保护资源呢?
2 Earth Hour was first started in Australia in 2007 as a way to bring community together to acknowledge the importance of reducing consumption of earth’s natural resources. Turning off the lights for an hour helps us see the impact we have on the environment.
2007 年澳大利亚最先发起“地球一小时”活动,目的在于让全社会认识到减少地球自然资源消耗的重要性。熄灯一小时让我们看到人类对环境的影响。
3 Just one year after the first Earth Hour in Sydney, Australia, it became a widespread phenomenon, now spreading globally with a movement reaching more than 50 million people that participate in more than 35 countries. Sydney set a goal to reduce carbon emissions by 5%. Recent estimates show 1 billion supporters in 4,100 cities from 87 countries located on seven different continents joined in turning off their lights for Earth Hour. Earth Hour hopes encourage consumers, businesses, and governments to be thoughtful in action plans to carry out practical ways to reduce emissions
在澳大利亚悉尼举行过第一次“地球一小时”之后仅一年,这场活动就掀起一阵热潮。现在这个活动在全球传播,超过三十五个国家的五千多万人参与进来。悉尼的目标是降低5%的二氧化碳排放量。在美国,估计八千万人加入2009 年的“地球一小时”运动。最新的评估显示,来自七大洲87 个国家4100 个城市的10 亿支持者加入到了“地球一小时”活动的队伍中。“地球一小时”的活动希望能鼓励消费者、商人、政府深思熟虑,提出实际可行的减排行动计划。
4 Let’s go beyond the light switch! Look at what some are doing to save energy to conserve precious fossil fuels:
让我们不仅仅是关灯吧! 看看人们在保护珍贵的矿物燃料和节约能源方面在做什么吧!
5 “For me it starts early…I’m trying to teach my kids to conserve electricity by turning off lights when no
t in use. We try to make it a game!”
6 “I just bought a bunch of energy-conserving light bulbs and replaced my old ‘Watt Guzzling’light bulbs. I don’t always remember to turn off the lights, so at least I’m now using less energy when I forget.
7 “We removed the old single pane windows and upgraded to the double pane lo-e glass. Now my house is less drafty and it helps a bit with the gas bill.”
8 “We should all get rid of the old outdated CRT monitors and upgrade to LCD monitors. My work office just did this and we all love the new screens. Plus, it’s nicer on the eyes.”
“我们都该把过时的CRT 升级成LCD 显示屏。我的办公室就这么做了,我们都很喜欢新的屏幕。而且,它对眼睛更好。”
9 “It seems like every time I go to a large city I find over half of the businesses leave their lights on after hours. I guess they do it for security, but there’s got to be a better solution. Maybe they could install some low energy video cameras.”
10 “Maybe we should all buy mini scooters! … at least take the bus a couple of times.”
11  “For new years I made a goal to lose weight and save energy. So, now I take the stairs in my 5-story apartment building instead of using the elevator.”
12 “Since I couldn’t afford to do many upgrades to the house, my husband and I agreed to turn down the heat 2 degrees.
Surprisingly we adjusted to the drop in temperature without any problem. Immediately we noticed a drop in our heating bill.”
13 “My family took a trip to the home improvement store and asked a clerk what affordable product we could buy to save energy cost. He quickly showed us a thermal blanket that was designed to be wrapped around a water heater. We bought it for less than thirty bucks.”
能源费用的商品。他很快给我们拿来一个电热毯,这个电热毯可以裹在热水器的外面。我们马上买了,用了不到30 美元。”
14 “In summer we open the window more and don’t run our air-conditioner nearly as much.”
Text B
Effects of Nuclear Power on Public Health and Environment
From Three Mile Island, Chernobyl to Fukushima