Hold on a second.  等一下
Nice.  好球…
I got you something.  有东西给你
What's this?  这什么东西?
Eight hundred and twelve bucks.  812块钱
Didn't Big Leon tell you? It's   我不知道老李跟你怎么说的 跟我过夜…
...to have me for the whole night.  …可要一千大洋才够
What's this for?  这是干什么呀?
Well, I'm making money now.  我现在有赚钱了
I'm paying you back for headshots, electric bills, all   这是要还你帮我付的电费 跟数不清的披萨的钱
I love you, man.  我爱你
Well, thanks, man. Now I can get my pony.  谢了,老兄 我有钱可以买小马了
This is a little extra   这是我小小的心意…
...always being there for me.  …谢谢你平日的照顾
Wow, I don't know what to say.  我不晓得该说什么了
Wow, I don't know what to say.  我不晓得该说什么了
What do you say?  怎么样?
I don't know.  我不知道
It's a bracelet.  这是个手镯吧?
Isn't it? It's engraved, too. Check it out.  上头还刻了字,你看看
"To my best bud."  “我的好兄弟”
Thanks, best bud.  谢了,好兄弟
Put it on.  戴上去啊
Now?  现在吗?
No, it should be saved for a special occasion.  不…这么美的东西 应该留到特殊的场合再戴
No, that's the beauty part. It goes with everything.  不…妙就妙在这里 这配什么都好看
When you put this on, you're good to go.  老兄,你戴起来简直好看啊
Oh, man!  天啊
You are so wearing that bracelet!  真是太配你了
I so am!  可不是嘛!
Any idea what this will do for your sex life?  你知道这对你的性生活 有什么样的影响吗?
It might slow down at first,   刚开始时说不定会让我慢半拍
...once I'm used to the extra weight, I'll be back on track.  等到习惯这个重量之后 就会让我重振雄风了
...once I'm used to the extra weight, I'll be back on track.  The One With the Prom Video
...once I'm used to the extra weight, I'll be back on track.  六人行 第2季 第14集 高中舞会录影带
-This all looks good. -Great.  看起来很好 那就好了
If I want to call for a reference on your ?  如果我要打电话询问 你以前的经验呢?
That's right there, see? The manager, Chandler Bing?  就写在下面了 我经理叫做钱德宾
All right.  好吧
Let's see if you're as good in person as you are on paper. Make me a salad.  来看看你是不是跟你写的 一样好,做一份沙拉来瞧瞧
A salad? I could do something more complicated.  沙拉? 其实我可以做些难度比较高的
No, just the salad will be fine.  不用,沙拉就行了
You got it.  没问题
Now I want you to tell me what you're doing while you're doing it.  可是我要你一边做 一边告诉我你正在做什么
All right. Well, I'm tearing the lettuce.  好,我在撕生菜
Is it dirty?  菜脏吗?
Oh, I'm gonna wash it.  不…别担心,我待会儿会洗
Don't. I like it dirty.  别洗,我喜欢脏的
That's your call.  悉听尊便了
So, what are you going to do next?  好,你接下来要做什么?
I thought that l'd cut up the tomatoes.  我想,我接下来要切蕃茄了
Are they firm?  蕃茄结实吗?
They're all right.  还可以啦
You sure they haven't gone bad?  你确定蕃茄没坏?
You sure they're not very, very bad?  你确定没有非常非常的坏?
No, really, they're okay.  是啊,还可以啦
You gonna slice them up real nice?  你会切得很漂亮吗?
I was going to do them julienne.  事实上,我打算切成丝状
I'm out of here!  我走了
Hello?  喂?
Rachel's not here. Can I take a message?  不,瑞秋现在不在 你要不要留话?
How do we spell Casey?  好,哪个凯…哪个西…?
Is it like "at the bat" or "and The Sunshine Band"?  打棒球那个 还是乐团的那个?
Hey, who's this Casey?  这个凯西是什么人啊?
A guy she met at the movies.  她看电影认识的人
What does he want with her?  真的?他她干什么?
I guess he wants to do a   我猜他想跟她跳点小舞…
...you know, make a   …做一点小爱…
Well, get down tonight.  今天晚上就把她“解决”掉
I don't know. I don't  我不知道,我不懂…
I don't get it! Two months ago, Rachel and I were this close.  两个月前 我们就差这么一点点了
Now I'm taking messages from guys she meets at the movies?  现在呢 我在替她看电影认
I mean, this Casey should be taking down my messages, you know?  应该是 这个凯西替我留言才对呀
Or Rachel and I should   或…或是… 或是我跟瑞秋应该在一起…
...and we should get some kind of message service.  …然后我们… 我们一起请电话秘书
Hang in there. It's gonna happen.  耐心点吧,会有那一天的
slice中文Now, how do you know that?  好,你怎么知道呢?
Because she's your lobster.  因为她是你的龙虾
Oh, she's going somewhere.  她有话要说的
It's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life.  谁不晓得龙虾一旦恋爱 就会白头偕老呢
You know what? You can actually see old   你真的可以看到老龙虾夫妻…
...walking around their tank, holding claws,   …在水缸里爪子牵着爪子散步
Hey, you feeling better?  好点了吗?
Yeah, I think that fifth shower got the interview off me.  我想我的第五次澡 终于洗掉那个面试了
Do you have other possibilities?  你还有其他的机会吗?
There is the possibility that I won't make rent.  有,我很可能会付不出房租来
If you want, I can lend you money.  摩妮卡,你要的话我可以借你钱
If I couldn't pay you back right away, I'd feel guilty and tense around you.  因为如果我没有办法马上还 看到你就会内疚跟紧张