1.A very intense
2.Freedom is a concept
3.How can…selfish?…
less is more是谁提出的4.Tyson…opponent…round.
5.There…shortcuts to learning English.
6.The more…curious…it.
7.It is…affects the result.
8.It’s not…react…matters.
11.If the…mankind.
12.We need…resources…project.
13.She’s doing research…sources.
14.Iife can…evil.
16.My father…opposite.
17.If the…consult the doctor.
18.The police are seeking…robbers.
19.He is…frustrated…behavior.
20.The doctor…suggestions…diet.
1.无论开始时市场可能多么小 however small the market might be in the beginning
2.无论是谁在安排时间表 Whoever is planning the time table
3.过去他常常参与社区事务 He used to be involved in community affairs
4.你很快会适应的 You will soon get/be used to if
5.他常带我去参观他的实验室 and he used to take me around his laboratory
6.可是在办公室里,他却习惯于发号施令 but back in his office he is used to giving orders
7.觉得仿佛自己成就了一桩伟大的事 feel as if he had accomplished a great deed
8.觉得仿佛已认识她很多年 felt as if I had known her for years
9.信不信由你 Believe it or not
10.他有点失望He was somewhat disappointed to
1.he was a unique manager because he had several waiters who had followed him around from restaurant to restaurant. The reason the waiters followed jerry was because of his attitude. He was a natural motivator. If an employee was having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the employee how to look on the positive side of the situation.
2.The bottom line:Nothing meaningful or lasting comes without working hard at it, whether it’s in your own life or with people you’re trying to influence.
3. But that won’t happen unless you choose to make it happen. Success is not a lucky break. It is not a divine right. It is not an accident of birth.
4.When I read that, I realized that your worth in life isn’t about your job, how much money is in your bank account or the kind of car you drive. You’re not defined by what you have. You’re defined by who you are and who loves you. I feel good about my life knowing that I found a wife who would no doubt be by my side if a similar tragedy were to strike me.
5.From them very beginning, Jessica’s family objected strongly to her dating her boy friend Edgar. They said that the boy’s family background didn’t match hers and that she would suffer for the rest of he life if she were to marry him.
6.As Edgar was not good with words, Jessica felt very upset when Edgar remained silent whenever she asked the question.Because of this, Jessica often vented her anger on Edgar while the latter only endured it in silence.
7.It was 1974 in Miami, Florida. This wasn’t the last time I’d be asked to leave the class. After more than 20 such expulsions, I was asked to leave the school altogether. My mother and father were frustrated, embarrassed and clearly at the end of their rope. I began to withdraw, becoming the opposite of my usual energetic and talkative 5-year-old self. By the time my parents took me to see a child psychiatrist-prompted by a teacher’s suggestion that I might be mentally retarded-all three of us probably thought about giving up on me.
8.After my difficult kindergarten year, the school let me enter first grade in the fall, but I was under strict supervision. Not surprisingly, this second chance yielded similarly discouraging results. I remember how I used to high-five my best friends, Bruce and Gary, when out was from boredom, as I had already learned everything they were teaching from my older sister. Although my parents were angry at my behavior, they knew I could do better. They disciplined me at home but also remained vigilant in their support of me, constantly looking for ways to help me move forward. Finally in 1976, after numerous calls and meetings, they enrolled me in a school on the campus of the University of Miami.