    As a child, I often found myself in situations where I had to convince my mom to let me do something or buy something. It was almost like a game of negotiation, and I quickly learned that the key to winning was to weaken her resolve. One of the most effective ways to do this was to appeal to her emotions. For example, if I wanted to go to a friend's house for a sleepover, I would start by telling her how much I missed my friends and how I felt left out when I couldn't join in on the fun. I would then follow up with how much I appreciated her and all the sacrifices she made for me, hoping that she would feel guilty for saying no.
    Another tactic I used was to wear her down with persistence. If she initially said no to something, I would keep asking and asking, bringing it up at every opportunity, until she eventually gave in just to get me to stop. I remember one time when I really wanted a new video game, and I must have asked her at least a dozen times over the course of a week. Eventually, she caved and bought it for me, probably just to get some peace and quiet!
    I also learned to exploit her weaknesses. For example, if I knew she was tired or stressed, I would wait for the right moment to ask for something, knowing that she would be more likely to give in when she was feeling vulnerable. I remember one time when she had a long day at work, and I asked her if I could have some extra allowance money for a school trip. She was so worn out that she just handed it over without even questioning me.
resolve to do sth