Culture 1 Clothing教学设计
中山市实验小学  陈玉河
Vocabulary: gloves, scarf, sandals, tennis shoes, school uniform, backpack
Extension1) mittens, ring, pajamas, purse, coat, shorts
          2) January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Canada, Australia, America, China, Thailand
Structure: Whats that? Its nice.  Its a .
          What are those? Theyre shorts. Oh!
Extension: 1) Its for . She/He can wear it/them in …  .
2) Excuse me. Can I help you? Im looking for .
  How much is it? Its
3) Whats the weather like in China in November?
What do people wear in (China) in (March)? They wear .
1) 通过两两对话,谈论衣服的名称、颜和自身对衣物种类的爱好。复习衣物的单词skirt, T-shirt, hat, dress, sweater, jeans的同时拓展单词gloves, scarf, sandals, tennis shoes, school uniform, backpack并把新、旧单词灵活运用到已学句型Whats that? What color? Do you like ?中。运用新句型Its for . She can wear it/them in . 对自己买的或设计的衣物进行介绍。 运用句型Excuse me. Can I help you? Im looking for . How much is it? Its 模拟购物的情景。
2) 通过自主学习,学会January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December等月份的单词,学会Canada, Australia, America, China, Thailand 等国家的名称。运用句型Whats the weather like in (China) in (No
vember)? What do people wear in in ? What do they usually do in ?谈论不同国家在不同月份的天气以及人们的穿着。
3) 通过听读拓展的对话,歌曲以及故事,能够让学生与同学谈论衣物特点、购物、天气、衣着等话题。
3)运用网络拓展课程资源, 通过自主听读、两两对话、小组活动等形式,培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力,培养多元智能和语言综合运用能力。
第一课时:把新、旧单词放在一起,通过句型让学生在复习的同时自主学习新单词: gloves,
scarf, sandals, tennis shoes, school uniform, backpack.自主学习7个阅读材料,学会用句型Its for . She can wear it/them in .介绍自己买的或设计的衣物;用句型Excuse me. Can I help you? Im looking for . How much is it? Its 模拟购物的情景。
第二课时:巩固上节学过的词汇与句型,通过谈论天气引出国家名称和人们的穿着等话题。通过自主学习,学会January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December等月份的单词,学会Canada, Australia, America, China, Thailand 等国家的名称。运用句型Whats the weather like in (China) in (November)? What do people wear in in ? What do they usually do in ?谈论不同国家在不同月份的天气以及人们的穿着。让学生完成作品:手工画、电子报、制作PPT以及与主题相关的网页。
2. 以俩俩说为主要方式,辅以小组学习方式,让学生在多次的探究,体验、发现、反思中接受新知识。
3. 以任务驱动的方式进行教学,通过情景对话、歌曲、教师创设的情境,每一个活动学生都有一个很清楚的学习目标与操作范例。
4. 以手工画的形式,逐步培养学生善于总结语言表达规律,进一步巩固学生的语言综合运用能力。
2. 在语言知识方面,学生在一年级已经掌握了谈论衣物的表达,并能利用句型Whats this?/What are those? What color ? Do you like? 还掌握了较多的衣物的名称。在三年级上学期,本班曾开展专题Weather的学习活动和成果收集,学生能用句型Whats the weather like in ?来询问天气,并能用英语介绍不同地方的天气以及自己喜欢的天气类型。
Step I Warm up(1)                 
T: (Point to her shirt)Hello, boys and girls. Look at Miss Chen. Whats this? What color is it? Do you like it? It is for you? I have three friends, they are wearing nice clothes, sing the song and try to tell me: What are they wearing?
  flash: Lets sing
Sallys wearing a red dress, red dress, red dress.
Sallys wearing a red dress all day long.clothes和clothing
Jennys wearing a blue shirt, blue shirt, blue shirt.
Jennys wearing a blue shirt all day long.
Micheals wearing a green hat, green hat, green hat.
Sallys wearing a green hat all day long.
Step II Revision(4)
T: Well! Sallys wearing a red dress. Jennys wearing blue shirt. Micheals wearing a green hat. What do like wearing? Lets listen and learn more about the clothing.
Self-learning: Words
Pair work:
      Check 2 pairs(反馈的层次性,中、差、好)
每节课都有五分钟的对话时间让学生根据本课的主题与所给的相应图片进行问答。为学生的交际创造语言环境,培养其语言应变能力和口语表达能力。在这个活动中,为了帮助学生进行有效的言语交际,教师利用PowerPoint提供了交际的图片和Key points,从“说什么”和“怎么说”两个方面给学生足够的引导。
III. Introduction
T: Wow! How nice the clothing are! I have some friends. Theyre designers. They have designed some clothes for their friends or parent.  Listen and try to know about them.
Reading 1: Hello! My name is Lily. This is a skirt. Its nice. Its colorful. There are some flowers on the skirt. Its for my sister. She can wear it in summer. Its cool. Do you like it?