medicine 表示“药”,尤指内服药,通常为不可数名词。如:
Don't take too much medicine. 药不要吃得太多。
The cough will pass away without medicine. 这种咳嗽不服药也会好的。
Keep those medicines out of reach of the children. 把那些药放在孩子够不着的地方。
She has taken a lot of different medicines, but none have cured her disease. 她已服用了许多药,但没有一种药能治好她的药。
information 可数吗?
作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2016-06-26 不可数名词,可用量词修饰,或修饰不可数名词的词比如:a piece of information 一条消息some information
1.The police haven't got enough information to catch the criminal.
2.Can you give me any information on this matter?
3.Your information is inaccurate and your conclusion is therefore wrong.
4.The information industry is an infant industry in our country.
5.The development of the information technology is the greatest technological advance of the 20th century.
6.A good encyclopaedia is a mine of information.
7.He succeeded in eliciting the information he needed from her.
equipment 可数吗
作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2016-06-26 equipment是不可数名词,作“装备”,“设备”解。不能说equipments 或an equipment。
例如:The building is supplied with modern office equipment.
You will be satisfied with the kitchen equipment here.
I need three pieces of equipment.
We have lots of factories with modern equipment.
Radar equipment helps us a lot in our daily life.
clothes 和 clothing 可数吗
作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2016-06-26 clothes 和clothing 均可表示“衣服”,用作“衣服”的统称,但在用法上有差别:
1.clothes 是一个没有单数形式的复数名词, 其前不可加不定冠词,也不可加数词,但可用some, these, those, many, few 等词修饰。如:正:those clothes / few clothes / many clothes
误:a clothes / two clothes / three clothes
2. clothing 是不可数名词。如:
They wear very little clothing. 他们衣服穿得很少。
3. 比较而言:clothes 的含义比较具体,而clothing 的含义则比较抽象。从语体上看,clothing 比clothes 更正式。比较:
I changed my clothes. 我换了衣服。
He is washing his clothes. 他在洗衣服。
Our clothing protects us against the cold. 我们的衣服可以御寒。
We are well provided with food and clothing. 我们吃得好,穿得好。
He spent a lot of money on clothes [clothing]. 他花了许多钱买衣服。
homework, housework 可数吗?
作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2016-06-26
(1) homework, housework 为不可数名词,不可加s。
正I have a lot of homework tonight.
误I have a lot of homeworks tonight.
(2) “做作业”动词用do,不用study, make 等词。
正I must do my homework.
误I must make my homework.
称赞别人在会议、演说等时有备而来,可说“I can see that you have done your homework.”“我看得出来你做了你的家庭作业(你是有备而来)”。
homework 与housework 比较用法
homework ......老师给学生的“家庭作业”,“功课”。
Have we got any homework? 我们有作业吗?
Have you done your math homework? 你数学作业写好了吗?
I have a lot of homework today. 我今天作业很多。
I have finished my homework. 我做完功课了。
作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2016-06-26 advice是不可数名词,不能在其后加s。
表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice,“一些建议”是some advice。
advice (不可数名词):劝告,忠告
give(offer) sb. a piece of advice. 给(提供)某人一条建议
take one's advice 和follow one's advice 都是“接受某人的建议”
refuse one's advice:拒绝某人的建议
some advice on(about)关于……的建议
——The teacher gave them some advice on(about) English learning. 老师给了他们一些学习英语的建议。
advise v.建议
v.+n. .ing/sb. to do sth.
——They advised us to start early.(他们建议我们早点出发。start 是v. early是adv.)
——They advised an early start.(他们建议我们早点出发。start
是n. early是adj.)
作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2016-06-17 beard 主要指下巴和面颊下部的“胡须”,相当于汉语说的“络腮胡子”。比较:moustache 指嘴上的“胡须”;whiskers 指腮上的“胡须”。
beard 通常用作可数名词,严格说来,应是可数的集合名词,它与不定冠词连用,指的是一个人的全部胡须,而不是指一根胡须;用复数形式,指的是不同人的胡须,而不是指多根胡须。如:
He has [wears, grows] a long beard. 他留有长胡须。
Not all men have beards. 不是所有的男人都留有胡子。
有时用作不可数名词,尤其见于…of beard之类的表达。如:
a fringe of beard on the chin 长在下巴的一圈胡须。
Graham came back from holiday with a week's growth of beard on his chin. 格雷厄姆度假回来,下巴上留着长了一个星期的胡子。
词 food 可数吗?
作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2016-06-15
We are out of food. 我们食物吃完了。
These plants are used for food. 这些是食用植物。
Do you like Chinese food? 你对中国菜有兴趣吗?
Good food keeps you healthy. 好的饮食使你健康。
About 90 percent of most food is water. 大部分食物中约有90%为水。
Increase in population caused a shortage of food. 人口增加导致食品短缺。
Don’t eat too many dairy foods. 不要吃太多的奶制品。
Why don’t you eat those healthful foods? 你为什么不吃那些有益于健康的食物?
My doctor told me to avoid fatty foods such as bacon or hamburgers. 我的医生叫我避免吃油腻的食物,如咸肉或汉堡包。
作者: admin来源: 网络文章时间: 2016-06-02 有些名词只有作复数,英语语法网整理了只能用做复数的名词
a pair of scissors(一把剪刀)