1.weak adj.虚弱的weakly adv.虚弱地weaken v.(使)虚弱weakness n.弱点;虚弱
2pessimism n.悲观;悲观主义pessimist n.悲观主义者pessimistic adj.悲观的悲观主义的pessimistically adv.悲观地
3anticipate v.预期预料anticipated adj.预料中的;预期的anticipation n.预料;预期
4possess v.拥有;占有possession n财产财物possessor n.拥有者;持有者
5recognise v.识别 recognition n承认认可recognisable adj.可辨认的 recognisably adv.可被辨认地
1possession n财产财物;具有拥有;持有违禁物品
She was charged with possession.                    持有违禁物品
The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel.
He lost all his possessions in the fire.        财产
2recognition n承认,认可;认出;赏识
He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition.认出
There is a general recognition of the urgent need for reform.      认可
He received the award in recognition of his success over the past year.
Words and Phrases
 far from 远非
[教材P14] In factfar from being a book about death,it's a book about life.
[例1] If you get to know him,you will find he is far from a fool.
[例2] So far we have done a lot to build a low­carbon economy,but it is far from ideal.We have to work still harder.
到目前为止我们已经做了很多工作来建立一个低碳经济但它离理想还很远。 我们还要更努力地工作。
[造句]  事实远非如此。
It is far from the truth.
far fromn./adj.      ……很远;远离;远非……
far from doing sth.      决不会做某事
far from it      完全相反;远非如此
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Your exam results are far from satisfactory.It's time for you to double your effort.
Far from improving(improve)the situation,you have just made it worse.
 anticipate v预期预料期待;预准备;预先做;(还没拿到手的钱)预先用掉
[教材P14] As Morrie anticipates his own death, he observes everything as though through new eyes — the things around him seem more beautiful than ever before and hold
new meanings.
[例1] At the time we couldn't have anticipated the result of our campaigning.
[例2]  I anticipated(that there would be) trouble.
[造句] 我预料会下雨所以带了雨伞。
I anticipated the rain by taking an umbrella.
anticipate doing sth.      期待(期盼)做.....
anticipaten./      期待(期盼)
It is       据预测……
in anticipation      预先地;期待地
in anticipation of      预期……期待……
[即学即练] 单句语法填空/完成句子
I anticipate seeing (see)you soon.
He bought extra food in anticipation (anticipate) of more people coming than he had invited.
It is anticipated/expected(据预测) that many people will lost their jobs.
 appreciate vclothes造句t.理解; 欣赏; 感激
[教材P14] This encourages us to appreciate what we have,and to make the most of each day.
[例1] What I failed to appreciate was the distance between the two cities.
[例2] I don't think you appreciate how expensive it will be.
[造句]  我们没有充分认识到他的病情很严重。
We didn't fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.
(1)appreciate(one's)doing sth.     欣赏/感激(某人)做某事
I would appreciate     如果……我将不胜感激
(2)appreciation n.      欣赏;感激
(2)appreciate之后不能直接跟if引导的从句要先接it再跟if从句。like,hate,dislike,love,depend/rely on等动词之后接if/when从句有类似用法。
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I don't appreciate being treated(treat)like a second­class citizen.
I really appreciate your coming(come) over to help me with my math.
In order to leave some impressive memories on all of us before graduation,our class m
ade a special video to express our appreciation(appreciate) of our school.