It feels like it wasn't that long ago  感觉没多久之前
we were here doing this for Halley.  我们才来这里为哈雷做产检啊
'Cause it wasn't.  因为真的没多久
Which reminds me, before we leave,  感谢你提醒我  在我们走之前
let's get you a vasectomy.  先把你给结扎了
Oh, that's sweet, but today is all about you.  真有心  但今天你才是主角
So, you two ready to find out the sex of this baby?  你们俩准备好知道孩子的性别了吗
- Yeah. - Absolutely.  -是的  -当然
Is Halley hoping for a little brother or a little sister?  哈雷是想要个弟弟还是妹妹呢
Well, she's nine months old,  她才九个月大
so unless it jingles or is in my bra, she doesn't care.  她只对有音乐或在我胸罩里的东西感兴趣
And how about you two?  那你们俩心里呢
You know, for the first one, we really wanted a girl,  生第一个时  我们很想要个女孩
but this time around, we don't have a preference.  但这一次来说  我们都可以啦
Yeah. Boy, girl, as long as it's healthy.  是啊  男孩女孩  只要健康就好
Well, it's a boy.  是个男孩
Come on, you can't really be disappointed.  不是吧  你们不是真的失望吧
Hey, I barely know how to be a man myself.  我自己都当不好一个男人了
Now I have to teach someone?  现在还得教别人吗
As the saying goes, those who can't do, teach?  常言道"没能力的  就去教人"
Don't you want a little version of Howard?  你不想要个孩子版的霍华德吗
I already have a little version of Howard.  我已经有个孩子版的霍华德了
Now I'm having a son?  我现在要有儿子了
I'll have to teach him how to play sports,  我得教他各种体育运动
and-and watch sports  还得带他看体育比赛
  然后...  然后...  然后...
He just ran out of man things. He's in trouble.  他想不出还有什么爷们的事了  碰到了困难
It's okay. We're all here to help.  没事啊  我们都会帮忙你
Yes. And this baby will have plenty of manly role models.  对啊  这孩子会有许多很爷们的榜样
Now, I'm certain that whatever Bernadette can't teach him,  我很确定伯纳黛特教不了他的东
Penny can.  佩妮能教
Uh, she can pee into a bottle.  她尿得进瓶子里呢
Anything with a neck wider than a nickel.  只要瓶口大过硬币就行
Howie, there's a lot of amazing things you can teach a son.  华仔  你有很多能教我们孩子的事情啊
Yeah. You do always know how to pick just the right antacid.  对啊  比如你总是能选出最合适的抑酸剂
I don't know if I can teach that.  我不知道这个能否传承
It's just something I was born with.  这是我与生俱来的天赋
Come on. You can build things.  打起精神来嘛  你还会造东西啊
You were an astronaut.  你还曾是个宇航员
That's true.  这倒是
You know, as a kid, I used to make model rockets.  我小时候就曾经搭过火箭模型
That'd be pretty cool to do with a son.  估计跟儿子一起搭还挺不错
Model rockets. Finally, something interesting.  火箭模型  终于聊到点有意思的了
What is your preferred mode of recovery?  你倾向用何种方式回收火箭呢
Sheldon, we're helping our friends.  谢尔顿  现在是在帮忙我们的朋友
And we got to model rockets, yeah?  然后聊到了火箭模型不是吗
It was a tedious road, but well worth the effort.  虽然路程索然无味  但皇天不负有心人
- So, have you thought of any names? - Amy.  -你们帮他想好名字了吗  -艾米
We finally got to model rockets.  我们终于聊到了火箭模型
Why are you turning back?  你干嘛把话题又转回去
Hey, where are you going?  你要去哪里
Back to the dry cleaner. Look at this.  回去干洗店  你看这个
They didn't get the stain out of my Starfleet uniform.  他们没把我星际舰队的制服洗干净
星际联邦的正规军队及外太空探索部队  影集《星际迷航》中
Well, if you didn't make me wear the green body paint in bed,  要不是你整天让我涂绿漆再穿它跟你上床
you wouldn't have to get it dry-cleaned so much.  你也不用常常拿去让人干洗了
Nah, it's worth it.  没事  值得
Hey, wait, it's your mom.  等等  是你妈妈打来
Oh, too bad. She just missed me!  太遗憾  她错过我了
Hey, Beverly.  你好啊  贝弗利
Oh, hello, Penny.  你好啊  佩妮
Uh, Leonard just left.  莱纳德刚走
He's gonna be so upset he mssed your call.  他要知道错过了你电话  一定会很难过
Why?  为什么会
Yeah, I don't know.  我也不知道
How are you?  你最近好吗
Did you mean personally or professionally?  你是指个人方面还是工作上
Um, personally?  个人方面
Like, what'd you do last night?  比如你昨晚干嘛了
I had Cuban food at the home of a man  我去了一个男人家中吃了古巴菜
with whom I shared unsatisfying intercourse.  然而与他的性爱并不太让人满足
Wow. Okay.  好吧
And to anticipate your next questions,  根据我掐指一算你的下一个问题
roasted pork and sideways missionary.  答案是烤猪肉与侧身传教士式
Sure. Sure. 'Cause you were full.  当然  不意外  毕竟你们吃很饱
clothes中文I haven't looked at all this stuff in years.  我多少年没看过这些东西了
Had it.  有过
Had it.  我也有
Burnt down my garage with it.  我家车库烧了全靠它
I had three model rockets as a kid,  我小时候有过三个火箭模型
and that was the largest space program in India.  那是印度最大的三个太空计划了
You have a replica Saturn V?  你居然有土星五号火箭的模型吗
Yeah. My dad bought it before he, you know,  对啊  我爸在他...  你懂的
abandoned our family.  抛妻弃子前买给我的
Lucky duck.  你可真幸福
Could never bring myself to open it without him.  一直不想在没有他的情况下拆开
It's silly.  真傻
No, it's not silly.  一点都不傻啊