2、名词解释(20%,about 40 words)
Quebec Act of 1774; The Canadian Seven Years’ War; Canadian Multiculturalism; The Australian 1999 referendum;
The Australian constitutional monarchy; “White Australia” policy
3、简答题(20%,about 40 words)
1. What are the geographical features of Canada?
2. What are the climatic conditions in different regions of Canada?
3. How important is tourism to the Canadian economy?
4. What is the Canadian Parliament composed of?
5. What are the distinctive features of Australian climate?
6. How important is wool export to the Australian economy?
5、论述题(30%,about 100-120 words)
1. What do you know about Ernest Hemingway’s biography, literary careers and literary works.
2. What do you know about William Shakespeare’s biography, literary careers and literary
3. What is the impact of immigrants on Canadian society and culture?
4. Make a comparative study between the Canadian economy and the Australian economy?
5. What are the differences and similarities between the federal system of the U.S. and Australian government?
6. In what aspects is compulsory education in New Zealand similar to that in China? In which aspects do they differ from each other?