1. 这残暴的欢愉,终将以残暴结束。These violent delights have violent ends.
2. 人们说“有朝一日”的时候,其实意思就是“永不”。“someday”sounds a lot like the thing people say when they actually mean “never”.
3. 有人选择看见世界的丑恶 混乱 我选择看见世界的美好Some people choose to see the ugliness in the world. I choose to see the beauty.
3. 爱情总是要花钱买的,区别在于,小是明码标价挂在门前的。
You are always pay for love, the difference is whores’ costs are fixed and posted right there on the door.
4. 真爱总是值得等待的。
Real love is always worth waiting for.
5. 七宗罪唯一的问题就在于还不够多。
The thing wrong with the seven deadly sins is that there are not more of them.
6. 伟大的艺术家总是将自己藏于作品中。
Great artist always hid themselves in their work.
7. 一知半解比一无所知更痛苦。
Half is worse than none at all.
8. 当你到达了顶端,就只剩一个方向可走。
When you have reached the top,there is only direction you can go.
10. 当你受尽煎熬的时候,你才是最真实的。
When you are suffering, that is when you are the most real.
11. 万物皆有定数。
Things will worked out the way they are meant to.
The devil can't be killed.
17. 不该惭愧 你也是错误的万亿产物之一 进化只用了一个工具 就塑造了这个星球上的一切知觉生命... 错误
You ought not to be. You`re a product of a trillion of them. Evolution forged the entirety of s
entient life on this planet using only the mistake.
19.亲爱的 今天真奇怪 而昨天一切如常 我在想 漫漫长夜我是否悄然改变
Dear, how queer everything is today. And yesterday, things went on just as usual. I wonder if I`ve been changed in the night.
20.今晨睁开眼的 是否是昨日的我 我差点以为 能记起那一丝不同的感觉 但如果我不再是我 下一个问题是...我究竟是谁
Was I the same when I got up this morning?
I almost think I can remember feeling a little different.
But If I`m not the same, the next who in the world am I?
22.为了探寻我所研究的知识 为了保证我应得的支配权 就要付出代价 个人生死不算什么[玛丽·雪莱"弗兰肯斯坦"]
One man`s life or death were but a small price to pay for the acquirement of the knowledge which I sought for the dominion I should acquire.
The greatest shame in life is to perish without purpose.
Perish[V] (formal or literary) (of people or animals 人或动物) 死亡;暴死to die, especially in a sudden violent way
A family of four perished in the fire.一家四口死于此次火灾之中。
23.每个人都有自己的路 我的路会带我回到你身边
There`s a path for everyone, and my path leads me back to you.
24.奥本海默不是说过吗"那些所犯之错需要十年去补救的人 也是极了不起的" 我的错用了35年someday是什么意思
Wasn`t it Oppenheimer who said that any man whose mistakes take 10 years to correct is quite a man? Mine have taken 35.
28 既然你不能分清真伪,那么假的又如何?
Are you real?If you cant tell,does it matter?
29. You can't play God without being acquainted with the devil.
30. Your mind is a walled garden, even death cannot touch the flowers blooming there. 你的内心就像一座隐秘花园,即便死亡也无法触及其中盛放的花朵。
31. Evolution forged the entirety of Sentient life on this planet using only one tool--- the mistake. 进化形成了这个星球上有感情和知觉的生命体用的唯一的工具,就是错误。 32. W
hen the legend becomes fact, you print the legend. 当传说变为现实,现实也会铸就传说。