The ONE v1.4.1 – Readme
The ONE is a Opportunistic Network Environment simulator which provides a powerful tool for generating mobility traces, running DTN messaging simulations with different routing protocols, and visualizing both simulations interactively in real-time and results after their completion.
Quick start (2)
Compiling (2)
Running (2)
Configuring (3)
Run indexing (4)
Movement models (5)
Routing modules and message creation (8)
Reports (9)
Host groups (10)
The settings (10)
Scenario settings: (11)
Interface settings (used to define the possible interfaces the nodes can have) (11)
Host group settings (used in Group or GroupN namespace): (11)
Movement model settings: (14)
Report settings: (15)
Event generator settings: (15)
Other settings: (16)
GUI (16)
DTN2 Reference Implementation Connectivity (17)
Example Configuration (2-4 above) (18)
DTN2 Connectivity Configuration File (19)
Known Issues (19)
Toolkit (19)
Quick start
You can compile ONE from the source code using the included compile.bat script. That should work both in Windows and Unix/Linux environment with Java 6 JDK or later.
你可以从源代码的使用compile.bat脚本的编译之一。这应该工作在Windows和Unix / Linux 与Java6 JDK或更高的环境。
If you want to use Eclipse for compiling the ONE, since version 1.1.0 you need to include some jar libraries in the project's build path. The libraries are located in the lib folder. To include them in Eclipse, assuming that you have an Eclipse Java project whose root folder is the folder where you extracted the ONE, do the following:
如果你想编制一个使用的Eclipse1.1.0版本以来,你需要在项目的构建路径中包括一些jar 库。该库位于lib文件夹中。包括在Eclipse中,假设你有一个Eclipse Java项目的根文件夹所在的文件夹中提取的一,执行下列操作:
select from menus: Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path
Go to "Libraries" tab
Click ""
Select "DTNConsoleConnection.jar" under the "lib" folder
Add the "ECLA.jar" the same way
Press "OK".
Now Eclipse should be able to compile the ONE without warnings.
ONE can be started using the included one.bat (for Windows) or (for Linux/Unix) script. Following examples assume you're using the Linux/Unix script (just replace "./" with "one.bat" for Windows).
可以开始使用包括one.bat(用于Windows)或 / Unix系统)脚本。下面的例子假设你使用(与“one.bat”为Windows只需更换“。/”)在Linux / Unix脚本。
./ [-b runcount] [conf-files]
-b Run simulation in batch mode. Doesn't start GUI but prints information about the progress to terminal. The option must be followed by the number of runs to perform in the batch mode or by a range of runs to perform, delimited with a colon (e.g, value 2:4 would perform runs 2, 3 and 4). See section "Run indexing" for more information.
conf-files: The configuration file names where simulation parameters are read from. Any number of configuration files can be defined and they are read in the order given in the command line. Values in the later config files override values in earlier config files.
All simulation parameters are given using configuration files. These files are normal text files that contain key-value pairs. Syntax for most of the variables is:
使用配置文件,所有的模拟参数。这些文件是正常的文本文件,其中包含键- 值对。大多数变量的语法是:
Namespace.key = value
<, the key is (usually) prefixed by a namespace, followed by a dot, and then key name. Key and valu
e are separated by equals-sign. Namespaces start with capital letter and both namespace and keys are written in CamelCase (and are case sensitive). Namespace defines (loosely) the part of the simulation environment where the setting has effect on. Many, but not all, namespaces are equal to the class name where they are read.
Especially movement models, report modules and routing modules follow this convention.
Numeric values use '.' as the decimal separator and can be suffixed with kilo (k) mega (M) or giga (G) suffix. Boolean settings accept "true", "false", "0", and "1" as values.
Many settings define paths to external data files. The paths can be relative or absolute but the director
y separator must be '/' in both Unix and Windows environment.
许多设置定义外部数据文件的路径。路径可以是相对或绝对的,但目录分隔符必须是在Unix 和Windows环境下的'/'。
Some variables contain comma-separated values, and for them the syntax is:
Namespace.key = value1, value2, value3, etc.
For run-indexed values the syntax is:
Namespace.key = [run1value; run2value; run3value; etc]
<, all values are given in brackets and values for different run are separated by semicolon. Each value can also be a comma-separated value.
For more information about run indexing, go to section "Run indexing".
Setting files can contain comments too. A comment line must start with "#" character. Rest of the line is skipped when the settings are read. This can be also useful for disabling settings easily.
Some values (scenario and report names at the moment) support "value filling". With this feature, you can , scenario name dynamically from the setting values. This is especially useful when using run indexing. Just put setting key names in the value part prefixed and suffixed by two percent (%) signs. These placeholders are replaces by the current setting value from the configuration file. See the included snw_ for an example.
File "", if exists, is always read and the other configuration files given as parameter can define more settings or override some (or even all) settings in the previous files. The idea is that you can define in the earlier files all the settings that are common for all the simulations and run different, specific, simulations using different configuration files.
Run indexing
Run indexing is a feature that allows you to run large amounts of different configurations using only single configuration file. The idea is that you provide an array of settings (using the syntax
described above) for the variables that should be changed between runs. For example, if you want to run the simulation using five different random number generator seeds for movement models, you can define in the settings file the following:
运行索引是一项功能,允许你运行大量不同的配置,只使用单一的配置文件。的想法是,你提供了一个设置的数组变量之间应当改变运行(使用上述语法)。例如,如果你想运行的模拟使用运动模式的5个不同的随机数发生器种子,你可以在设置中定义文件如下:Seed = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
Now, if you run the simulation using command:
./ -b 5
you would run first using seed 1 (run index 0), then another run using seed 2, etc. Note that you have to run it using batch mode (-b option) if you want to use different values. Without the batch mode flag the first parameter (if numeric) is the run index to use when running in GUI mode.
Run indexes wrap around: used value is the value at index (runIndex % arrayLength). Because of wrapping, you can easily run large amount of permutations easily. For example, if you define two key-value pairs:
运行指标环绕:使用的值是指数值(runIndex的%arrayLength)。由于包装,你可以很容易地轻松运行大量排列。例如,如果定义两个键- 值对:
key1 = [1; 2]
key2 = [a; b; c]
and run simulation using run-index count 6, you would get all permutations of the two values (1,a; 2,b; 1,c; 2,a; 1,b; 2,c). This naturally works with any amount of arrays. Just make sure that the smallest common nominator of all array sizes is 1 (e.g., use arrays whose sizes are primes)
-- unless you don't want all permutations but some values should be paired.
- 除非你不希望所有的排列组合,但一些值应配对。
Movement models
Movement models govern the way nodes move in the simulation. They provide coordinates, speeds and pause times for the nodes. The basic installation contains 5 movement models: random waypoint, map based movement, shortest path map based movement, map route movement and